Caroline H.

I don't know if thats entirely the case though. I felt like they made it clear that Tasha did want something more and was trying to go with the flow but also hopeful that it would be a real relationship. As she tells Lawrence on the phone, she knew it was a rebound yet he kept taking it further and acting as if it

I LOVED this episode and would totally give it an A! This was definitely one of the funnier episodes, with some of Issa's lines making me laugh out loud. They handled Lawrence so well, as soon as they showed the shot towards the beginning of Issa and Molly out at a club and then Lawrence at home in bed watching TV

I'm from Miami, and there was a majority Haitian high school that had a serious problem with the students respecting Hispanic teachers. They respected the black teachers and didn't give problems to the white teachers, but the students did not like or respect the Hispanic teachers whatsoever. Dynamics between racial

I like the character of Frieda. As someone who spends a lot of time in spaces and communities akin to the non-profit world/"we got y'all," her character feels pretty real.

I'm incredibly overly sensitive and an avid consumer of all media so yes I understand your feeling, I finished Season 1 last night and my stomach was in knots over the Issa/Lawrence fall out. I've never had a cheating situation but I've had some pretty brutal breakups and even though I'm currently single and chill, I

Same here, that scene made me very uncomfortable.

Right??? I'm a teacher (not Teach for America) but I just got my Master's in Education and Social Change and most of my classmates were TFA, and we took a class on community based organizations/non-profits. I love how Insecure portrays this world, its so accurate. I like it a lot better than the dramatic/heavy-handed

I too enjoyed the season and feel very similar to what you've written out. I especially was confused by the Red and Piscatella scene. He kept saying he was going to "expose her" but for what? And when he said that all the girls would see her "like this" as if it was terrible…her "family" doesn't give a shit if she is

So, I liked this season overall but I really wish it hadn't ended on yet another cliffhanger. I was annoyed with the first few episodes because they were basically 100% comedy, while I was expecting much more drama and darkness due to the tone set last season…also due to the fact that prison riots tend to fall more on

Its getting really annoying to read the recaps, scroll down looking forward to interacting in the comments, and then be greeted by multiple paragraphs of "I hate this new format! What is the point! Why are you doing this!"

Agreed. And I like this format. I ended up binge-watching the whole thing over this weekend, so its great to have access to all the reviews.

One of the weirdest parts of this season (for me) is the nurse. Why is he just puttering about as if everything is totally normal? I would have been out of there at the first chance I got if prisoners were rioting. Especially because none of the inmates seem to be too concerned about him. What has he been doing for

I was genuinely laughing out loud at the very end with the pictures (from the point of view of the helicopter) of the Nazis, Yoga, and Judy King strapped to a board on the roof. One of my favorite moments for sure.

I also feel like a Piper apologist, but I don't think she's that bad. She is barely featured in this season and I do think she means well. I also thought she knew her place well, as in she wanted to help but also wasn't trying to take over and was mostly in a support position (such as filming them while they light

"Do people really, honestly care about this that much?"

Is it just me or is Daya really annoying? She seems so dim and immature, like a petulant child that doesn't understand the reality or gravity of anything going on around her.

I agree, and I also think that if inmates did film a video of themselves talking about the murder of an inmate at the hands of a CO, it would definitely immediately go viral on the internet. I feel like if one day a women's prison rioted and held guards hostage and posted videos on social media listing their demands

100%. In my opinion, OITNB fluctuates between comedy and drama depending on the season. There have been lighter seasons and darker seasons. Season 4 was very dark and heavy. This premiere felt totally off from last season, I was expecting much more drama and violence but received mainly just comedy.

Agreed especially with your first point. I was thrown off with this first episode because I was fully expecting a chaotic, dark, and violent arc - season 4 was so heavy and it ended on such a threatening and ominous note. I was underwhelmed with this premiere because I felt like all the reactions to the riot were a

In the marketing and promos leading up to Season 5, it was revealed and made pretty public/obvious that Season 5 would be played out in real time and show the immediate aftermath of the riot. Its not really a spoiler, many media outlets and Netflix itself outright stated that S5 would be over just the course of a few