insert name here

I liked Qyburn's face when the kids were stabbing Pycelle. His expression reminded me of that scene in Scarface where Tony is killing is former boss.

Too bad Manderly didn't have anything to do except apologize for sucking so much. He deserves to be called "Lord to fat to sit a horse!"

"Here were just gonna let you wander around in a library of knowledge that we protect so carefully we put it in a guarded fucking tower until we can figure out if you're supposed to be here or not"

Yeah, I can't believe that Ser Strong is actually Gregor Clegane! The directorial buildup to that moment was totally appropriate.

And we even got the Fire and Blood line at the end of the scene.

Wasn't Pycelle a total Lannister toadie? Why kill him?

I think in the books its implied that Robb named Jon his heir in the event of his death, they could have brought that in to seal the deal in a way that makes more sense but whatever.

Idk that could blow up in her face, since she would have to explain why she lied about it at the time.

The winner of the Bastardbowl: Littlefinger. He pretty much got exactly what he wanted, and I doubt he lost anyone in the battle. With almost no forces left, Sansa has very little ground on which to negotiate with him going forward. Oh well, it wouldn't be her worst marriage match…

You wouldn't apply those same criticisms to Star Wars, because any problems there were wouldn't bother you cause the film is working as a whole. Compare that to the say, the prequels where things get nitpicky.

If you think this episode is as good as Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, I'd like a sample of what you were smoking before you watched it.

I want to watch the scene where Yara goes back and explains to the Iron Born that they can't rape and pillage anymore. And then they completely miss the point and keep asking her questions like, "well can we steal stuff from towns that we beat?" "Can we still help ourselves to some women after a battle?" "Do I still

You don't "trust" anyone in politics. You trust them to act in their best interests. She got played.

At some point when he was far out enough, he could have turned around an started running backwards. Then dodging would have been way easier.

I was hoping Ghost would run in at the last minute and scoop up Rickon.

If we've learned everything this season its that from now on only the most obvious direct thing will happen. This turn youre suggesting is too clever at this point.

On the other hand, Seth Meyers sucks. #makelatenightgreatagain

If that's what they're doing then they're doing a shitty job. But then I'm not convinced that Martin fucked his narrative up at the irredeemable level that you're describing.

Tyrion pig jousting > Tyrion getting to know his coworkers

Hopefully we'll get to see where all of the money went soon.