insert name here

Whats-her-name stealing office supplies was far and away the best part of the episode. I love H. Jon's line readings for her.

Yeah, my #1 compliant about the show these days is that they've sanded a lot of the edges off of the characters. I miss when Louise was a borderline sociopath.

This episode was week but the Bill Clinton stuff was unimpeachably hilarious. A lot of people feel bad for Hillary. I don't. She had every advantage in this election, the money, the support of the media, and she still blew it. I feel bad for Bill. Because he is never, ever, gonna hear the end of this shit.

One of the things that keeps South Park fresh for me is how they pick up on the things that a lot of other satirists miss. I love how they captured the stand up comic aspect of the Trump campaign. So much of what he says is just for shock value or is improvised to get a reaction out of an audience. Just recently at a

I feel like its going to end when Cartman realizes that she isn't funny or smart like he was convincing himself that she is.

Option 3: get new friends.

The best revenge is just living well

I think we can do a little better than crab people

I just want to say that this comment section would be a lot more enjoyable to read if people stopped taking South Park's politics so seriously. If you're looking for cogent political analysis, a 20 year old cartoon about swearing kids and talking turds probably isn't the place to go. If you're looking for a different

It's not false equivalency. A turd sandwich and a giant douche are two very different things with very different properties. A turd sandwich would smell, and have little utility as it has a turd in it. But a giant douche is at least clean and could have some utility theoretically.

Yeah exactly, there are a lot of people in this country who have never identified with either party and feel this way every election cycle. A lot of us don't vote for that very reason.

I just like it because of how much it still pisses people off.

Making known the new commander of the nights watch is pretty essential to its functioning as an institution. I mean, Maester Aemon wasn't unhealthy enough to oversee a new election, how come he didn't bother to get the word out? The lord commander needs to ask for resources from other lords and institutions, like say,

I want him, LSH, Penny, Hugo Wull, Darkstar, the Golden Company, and every other cutting room floor character to all suddenly show up on a boat with a Victarion led fleet, and then get dashed on the rocks in a storm.

Is it wiped out in one blow though? It's not like Catholicism would end if you blew up the Vatican.

I saw a chart once that pointed out that in terms of raw page count he's writing these books faster than JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series and a few other popular series as well. It's just that his books are really fucking long.

And nobody else there stewarding under Maester Aemon knew how to send a raven out? Aemon just did all of that by himself then?

If only he had displayed some of that same confidence when he was ruling he might not have had to jump in the first place. Should have brought Kevan in to put Cersei in check way earlier.


"I think you're looking for the 'important plot knowledge section.' Third level, shelf five"