Echo Tango

Gotta disagree wiith you about the peak oil line- Connie is EXACTLY the kind of kid who watched one documentary on netflix, absorbed it and now thinks the world is under IMMEDIATE THREAT OF EXTINCTION. And going on wild rants that are intellectual sounding but grounded in an immature attitude to the world- remember

It wasn't, it's just one you're not comfortable answering, which is different. We're talking about political candidates. You say you can't vote for one because she's part of an administration that arranged drone strikes. Fair enough. However the other candidate actively inflames anti Muslim sentiment and if you don't

Who you gonna vote for?

I think the emotional arc of this episode will make more sense later. We'll get more of Lapis/Jasper's backstory, it'll make more sense of what they were to each other exactly. I just don't think even on a TV show as mature as SU, you'd really want to threaten kids with the return of a seriously scary relationship,

I'm glad they have an extra year to think it out. S1 was thematically perfect, I agree it would be hard to top or even follow. I'm cautiously hopeful though.

You get a Potters Mark. If you look closely 'Hippolyta made dis' is stamped on her ass.

Ah, no, sorry, I didn't mean that as dickish as it came across. I meant that the film must have missed the mark if the message isn't clear.

He doesn't hate women. He doesn't see them at all. The men in his life are the stick against which he measures himself, and in his warped way he's capable of respecting them. Women are no different to the business cards- they are marks of statures, and vents for his frustration, nothing else. Killing Paul Allen

Nah. I'm guessing the point is that the ONLY variable they want to change, is the gender. That way we can isolate it, and discuss how it affects the reading of the scene without changing anything else.

No. Bateman feels that he is losing the battle for dominance at work. When Allen humiliates him, Bateman restores his confidence and self worth by murdering a prostitute. THAT is the commentary the film is making about gender. That male egos are so fragile, that the humiliation of an inferior business card can

The men aren't effeminate- they are hyper masculine. They butt heads and compete with each other at every moment, never showing weakness or vulnerability or genuine emotion. It's just that the medium they compete through is business cards and suits rather than axes and swords. It's still all dick-measuring, still

The acting is fine. THe production values are bad.

Actually, the beats and the performance of the lead were fine. Especially patricia, she actually really got the mental flop-sweat down pat. It's the production values that suck, and since EVERYONE remembers that scene perfectly you can really feel the difference.

I get that they haven't made any changes to the context/actions based on the characters gender, because then we are forced to evaluate typical male bravado when performed completely straight by a woman, and our reaction to it. But the point is lost because all you end up doing is comparing the two performances, and a

The zelda games aren't usually linear! Skyward sword was a bit of an anomaly in that regard.

Nurse Jackie, tho.

Nurse Jackie exists. I love UnREAL, but this is not the first female antihero. Jessica Jones. Uh… ok, I think that may be it. Third female antihero!

Yeah, it sucks. Just at the moment you probably need other people the most, you become super efficient at pushing them away. And since I wasn't up for disclosing what had actually happened, all they knew was that I was suddenly giving them a super hard time about stuff that happened years ago and being generally

UKS has always taken the trauma aspect very seriously. I have read reviews from trauma survivors that say it is the most comforting representation they have ever seen. Ah heck, I'm anonymous here so I'll say it- years ago I was raped- full on drugged-plied stranger rape, including waking up in a store cupboard in a

Watch Happy Go Lucky, and the new Supergirl. Positivity has fallen out of fashion in fiction, but man do we ever need it now.