Echo Tango

I'm watching Broad City completely out of order, and every episode I think they've peaked but then they outdo themselves. Like, what could beat that cold open? But then what could beat Kelly Rippa's offer of post-prostitute dominos? But then what could beat Ilana's celebratory handstand when Abbi got to peg? But

Laaaate response, but eating junk food? Is a part of Amy's disguise. She very deliberately puts on weight so nobody will recognise her.

Amy is a lizard-brained psychopath with no core identity recognizable to humans. I mean, the film doesn't go into her head but it shows us what she is capable of doing, which is evidence enough. Looking for a sympathetic motive is beside the point.

I work in mental health, and recently spent several hours in a parking lot trying to persuade a guy in the grip of serious manic delusions to come into the psychiatric unit. A few days later the meds kick in, he goes back to being the very pleasant, reasonable man he was before, and I had to spend another couple of