
His apple pie must be the most crumblest.

I'll always be be bitter about Carol, but I did like Criss.

One year for a birthday/Christmas present I asked for season 1 of Bewitched. I got the colored version and not the black and white and I've never opened it.

I didn't know capes could be part of wedding dresses. I hope they become a super awesome crime-fighting duo.

How you guys doing today? What have you been up to? Nothing mnuchin?

This list really glosses over seasons 2 and 3. Just so much gold in there.

Am I the only one who was pretty indifferent to The Jungle Book? The CGI was the only thing it had going for it imo.

Me and Edgar Wright came up with the same Mike Meyers joke. Except you know only one of us is a successful writer and director and the other is…not…that.

That scene over all was where it crossed the line of 'this is dumb but fun' to 'this is pretty dumb'.

Anton's death deeply affected me in a way that has continued to mess with my head. Extremely random and tragic loss.

Cheeto in Chief. Haha that one got me.

I'm sure Mr. Cheadle also thinks he's first in hating the trumpster.

I ALWAYS think about that and the fact that he had a child with that 14 year old before dumping her for Milla Jovovich.

HEY. That's Character Actress Margo Martindale thank you very much.

Nobody caaaaaares!

In all sincerity, I want something terrible to happen to him.

I've met him. Super nice guy, was always a pleasure to see him come into my work. This fucking sucks.

In the movie when her friend asks for a part and she declares it's a one-woman show I thought she was joking.

Anthony Michael Hall
Brandon Michael Hall
Christopher Michael Hall
Douglas Michael Hall
Elijah Michael Hall
Franklin Michael Hall
Gorlack Michael Hall

That's a boner I wasn't expecting.