
She was in that movie with Jason Sudedakis that was supposed to be pretty good.

Harmon doesn't realize it's a show.

I don't think I'd ever want to go out of my way to spend time with Ken Jeong.

I love that song, especially when it's sung by Muppets.

What a fucking gem.

It's true with this movie in particular I'm seeing a lot of style negates the substance kind of praising.

I would feel worse if A Cure for Wellness was you know…actually good.

I don't know why it is sincerely frustrating that they cannot even be bothered to find someone who looks a fraction like the person the biopic is supposed to be about. She's white and blonde, so I guess that's close enough!

No it doesn't sound like a good to me.

I'll argue that despite Jim Carrey's antics, the storyline for The Riddler is actually pretty good. It explains and executes the whole "villain obsessed with hero" arc a lot better and more efficiently than Amazing Spider-Man 2 which fucking botched it in 2 and a half miserable hours.

The most damning thing is that he turned to EL James. Like is it because her books are considered hot-yet-commercial garbage so it's a burn on her credibility that he would compare her to JK Rowling? I can't keep up with the directions of these burns!

This scene always comes to mind when I'm depressed because it just makes so much sense and is a good counter to how "movie logic" works versus "reality". But watching it again I agree with the assessment about the words and how the scene could have played its hand with the synchronized moments leading up to the split

Assholes gonna asshole your honor.

I don't know why the board shorts are cracking me up but god that's funny.

That's mean to say about Dan Stevens, Beautiful Man.

Adele is pretty blunt about things, that's pretty awesome of her to say.

I don't have much to add. Just go see John Wick 2.

No those aren't liberal tears, just my girly stupid nerdy tears you're drinking.

But David Robert Mitchell proved he could make the aesthetics and quality of a Halloween movie without having to actually make a Halloween movie.

Jim Carrey saying "Be-e-a-utiful" in Bruce Almighty.