
There's just so much stupid. I can't handle all this stupidness.

Gee if only he had owned up to the charges 40-odd years ago, he'd have nothing to worry about now. I mean, we'd all still call him a fucking rapist, but he'd wouldn't be a cowardly bitchass rapist.


Look, if y'all are just gonna be lazy and keep making spin-offs of preexisting characters, can we get one of that cute blue elephant dude in the Cantina? Tales of the Cantina actually?

You're still a twat.

Maybe his brain will implode on itself and he'll look like a deflated basketball filled with the clippings of dead poodle hair.

Yeah that's what I thought it was, which I thought was actually pretty funny.

It's okay, nobody cares again.

I do not like this.


This doesn't make me a good person, but I want nothing but terrible things to happen to 45, members of the GOP, the white supremacists out there today, the VA congressman Tom Garrett who allowed this to happen, the members of the media who have simplified and soft-balled how they reported on these people or just flat

Wut uh dooshbagg.

My friend and I watched this just now and since we were the only ones in the theater we were talking freely. She was asking me questions since I have read the book, but did so long ago that I don't remember the bulk of it. Sitting there though it was obvious to me that how things played out was a rather Hollywood

Who has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap about AVATAR sequels? Me and Josh Brolin.

I remember being a child and sitting in our old duplex listening to everyone talk about how Titanic was supposed to be great. I didn't want to watch it because I knew everyone was going to die, and those kind of things freaked me out as a kid, so I ran upstairs and put my pajamas on. I thought maybe if I had to go to

Jesus Christ. Yes. I would love to have sex with you Josh, stop bragging.

The funniest thing about that finale was that the following week it aired, Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out, in which Colbie Smulders plays a supporting role. Near the end of the movie she's helping out the team during the big explosion-y climax and she's giving orders to everyone. Cap gets shot while he's

I still wanna see that pilot because of Greta Gerwig.

Colorado huh? I'll call my mom up, pretty sure she's just napping in her lounger.

I'm young, but we're definitely in the years of my childhood that I actually remember now and it's making me feel old as I reach the quarter-century part of my life.