
"Your honor the prosecution would like to point out to the jury that the defendant is a weasly little dipshit who needs a swirly in a sewage filled toilet."

Someone should tell Gork this bitch is stealing her act and silly anal bead mask.

When will Bitch Hunter have it's day? When?!

I didn't know she'd be in this week's episode since she hasn't appeared yet.

Dude what the fuck? I'm an episode behind, can't you wait until the TV review comes up?

Number 2…oh my god I just got that…

Calm down millennial grandpa.

There's something about the 90s that seems relatively normal in comparison to the 80s, but then I was a 90s child so it would seem normal to me.

Has an ass like a hole too.

Scarlet Witch?


God forbid people may be excited for the movie AV Club.

What!? On this article about a poster for a superhero movie there are fucking superheroes on the poster? The fucking nerve. Someone needs to get fired for delivering exactly what the headline says in the article. About superheroes. And the poster that advertises such. And the obviousness of that. And so forth.

Well I don't have high hopes for the actual movie so I figure my optimism here is balanced out and I'm still welcomed at the AV Club.

*Peaks around the corner*

Oh yay, he's still gonna make an effort to sound pathetic even without the podium.

As a 90s kid I can guarantee no one is asking for rapping genies to make a comeback.

So we're gonna get Despicable Me movies for the rest of eternity? Great. Thanks China.

Also no one has pointed out the similar backstory Baby has with Peter Quill: dead mom who loved music. Like that's all I kept thinking about when it would show those moments.

I like both movies respectively for at least half of the leads, Hepburn in the original and Ford and Kinnear in the remake. That being said I think the movie treats Sabrina kind of awfully, as she is not an emotionally stable person in the beginning.