
That makes a lot of sense!

Ok the more I'm thinking about it the ending probably would have worked if the realities had actually did have the stark contrast of them finding success versus them not finding success. Instead of both realities having both of them following their dreams and being really successful the one where they did end up

I think my problem with it is that while I like that the movie ends like that, sometimes you just don't end up with that person, their relationship was really nothing so unique and life-changing that them not being together dramatically effected their lives. Either way everything basically turns out the same for them.

Yeah their whole dinner fight scene was honestly more annoying (just well acted) than anything because while he might have "sold out maaaan" it's not like he was making terrible music. The horror on Emma Stone's face when she was at the concert was kind of ridiculous.

Years of work went into this? Pretty sure that shitty script took only a few weeks to write. Granted that's more of WB forcing the movie into speedy production but let's not compare this to something like Deadpool which took a decade of effort.

I saw a few Princess Leia signs out today and it's one of the most empowering things I've been a witness of. On a pop cultural level and on a historical level, even in the small SoCal town where I live, there were hundreds and hundreds of people marching and I was so proud and saddened at the same time.

Man I wish my mom was that cool.

Eight years of listening to that shit.

While we are hundreds of miles apart I can hear my mother ranting about how disrespectful Michelle is being and what an ungrateful and ugly woman she is. Ugh.

Nope, outside of LA.

Just reading about it makes me sick, I wouldn't think of watching the nightmare unfold.

Last night the theater I work for hosted a special screening for this movie with our local animal shelters (Even Dennis Quaid was there!) and don't think the irony wasn't lost on me.

Sooooo at the end of the credits it'll say "Some animals weren't harmed in the making of this movie"?

I love and hate this series for wasting the potential of the dark themes it has going on in the first one. I'll still buy this though.

*Throws Red Flag*

No matter how this year turns out, knowing this happened makes it 1000X better.

I mean if his shitty behavior gets people, young people especially, out there reading and learning about history than that gives me some sense of hope.

It really is disgusting though how people called her all of those terrible things, even if they are "representing" the side for equality. Like those kids in Chicago who abused and beat up that mentally disabled kid in protest for Trump, that is a nasty side that does not make those of us who oppose him look any better.

Well BoJack Horseman is totally awesome.

Will Arnett, what?! Okay I'll check it out.