
That didn't really rhyme…6/10.

Who says there isn't equality for female directors? Ladies can make absolutely garbage January films too!


I went on my first date to The Simpsons Movie. Oh high school you were so long ago.

Shar-peis are cute wrinkly dogs, don't be mean and compare them.

What has Jim Carrey been up to? His career has kinda fizzled in the past few years with the exception of I Love You Phillip Morris.

It's possibly my favorite soundtrack in all of his filmography.

People have pointed out that there's that moment where Capt. Boomerang runs away after the bar scene only to come back a few minutes later for no reason because he's Capt. Boomerang. Any kind of self-aware humor on that level of subtly was nothing but a happy accident, there's no way someone thought of that

Which really sucks for him because he is a very capable director and actor and his turn in BvS was coming from a place of poor writing and creative decisions that were out of his hands. Now that they're in his hands I'd imagine the pressure to make something worthwhile is absolutely straining him.

I feel like this is one of those films that will always be at odds with its predecessor. I loved Rogue One over TFA but the more rare opinion will be of those who enjoyed them equally.

Uhhhh this is not a joke account I'm looking forward to.

The Neon Demon, not for everyone, but it was my favorite film of the year.

Do…do we not like Scream anymore?

Good we're still in agreement on this one.

So really nothing else happens? The plot is as shallow as the trailers made it look?

If you're gonna be a dick about answering questions don't do the interview. Like if this is so beneath you than don't do it.

Go back to posting Conan videos.

Diego Luna is my new man crush after Rogue One.

Saw it tonight. Fucking loved it. The CG Peter Cushing is terribly distracting. I guess Marvel Studios wouldn't let them borrow their de-aging technology that worked so well for them in Ant-Man and Civil War.

Of for fuck's sake this is still happening?