
This is perfectly stated I would like to just add that for the kind of script that Ghostbusters is: a foreground comedy with a horror background, the writing needs to be thorough and tightly written to establish characters and mythos. Why waste the premise of something like Ghostbusters on just improving all of it

So there'll be butt stuff?

I was at Disneyland last week for Mickey's Halloween Party, of which I kinda of assumed if you wore a costume it had to be Disney related. Saw a handful of mama's who wanted to feel good about themselves in Harley Quinn costumes followed by…a lot of Freddy Kruegers actually. It was weird.

I think NPH is too feminine in his features. It works for Hedwig because the character wants to be a woman, but that shocking clash of a very masculine defined physical presence such as Tim Curry in tights and corsets doesn't work for him.

They dragged poor Tim Curry into this?

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

(Late reply) I just watched the Hitchcock adaptation a week or two ago. Loved it.

I think the only reason I'm not horribly off-put by the notion other than the glut of the franchise and the greediness behind it, is that since they're basing this on a book which is not an actual story, they are basically making these up as original stories. The Harry Potter universe is expansive enough that it could

I hope the guest of honor is Fagerstrom, Conan's been wanting to meet him for so long.

I think he did coach something but he definitely didn't have the build or mentality of your typical "coach".

This reminds me of sometime in 6th or 7th grade I was in a civics/geography class. Every week we went through the newspaper and we were supposed to pick an article that interested us and go up to the front and explain it. One day I found an article about Futurama coming to Comedy Central (soooooo this was 2005

*Girls from TRL riot*

Does the baby have a name? Spider-Baby?

Beat me to it!

If only he was playing the role as Kent playing Donald Trump.

Lady Phillips.

That's what got Reese Witherspoon the Oscar.

Did I miss something? Is there a reason Lucy Lawless has pink hair?

That's exactly where I stopped. Bummed me out and got very repetitive.

Not sure if it's a translation thing but it just isn't a very good title.