
The Story of a New Name.

Oh man I tried reading one of Rainbow Rowell's books, made it half way before I got bored and have left it at work ever since and refuse to take it back.

To be fair, both are enjoyable family-friendly remakes.

I love how it subverts expectations by killing the strapping young football boyfriend immediately and even the little kid later on. Great effects too.

The story about the old polish woman is so shocking and hilarious. It's amazing that the interview turned on a dime from something so crushingly sad to something quite funny. It's great that he can do that for himself even if he does feel hollow inside. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it.

That is sincerely the best thing he's done.

At least a clown has appropriate clown hair.

There's that moment in Spider-Man 2 when the guy brings Spider-Man's costume to the Daily Bugle and Jameson is laughing maniacally about running him off while Robbie holds the costume and the camera stays on him as he looks sadly down at it. It's subtle, and considering how minor the part was in that series it's still

My hang up on Sing is how godawful and generic the animation is. Considering this is the same year we have Zootopia, it's a freaking eye sore to look at those trailers.

When they're playing hoops at the park and he's making up his own moves, "RAINDANCE!"

When I saw Snowpiercer, I felt so stupid because it got to the last 10-15 minutes of the movie and I was sitting there thinking, "Wasn't Tilda Swinton supposed to be in this?" Not realizing what character she was playing. She's a goddamn chameleon.

I'm totally with Marah. Hell I didn't even watch most of Penelope, I literally just fast-forwarded through all the scenes James McAvoy was not in. I could not finish Wanted though, that was hot fucking garbage for angry 12 year old boys. Any movie that makes him speak in an American accent breaks my heart, not because

*Hardy laughter* Paramount will never release that Friday the 13th sequel.

Fitz and the Tantrums were a great band with potential due to their mixture of pop and R&B sounds that got progressively less defined and generic as their albums went on. I still really like them though.

Where'd he get this "baby"?

Awww I love both versions of that movie. Sabrina's fucking crazy but gosh do those boys love her.

*Pours one out for Baby Anton Yelchin*

Seriously? During a slow moment at work today some old guy told me I needed to look happier because my resting face isn't stuck in a grin.

I hope I hope I hope the Conan O'Brien one is on there.

Early [adult swim] was one of those things that I didn't understand as a kid but didn't realize it was shaping my sense of humor. Very sad to see this, especially when it's so sudden.