

I'd have a beer with Trump if it meant after I finished the beer I could smash the bottle across his fucking smug face.

I wish they had done more with that time element. That was pretty interesting and could have been used in a way that would blur the first movie and this one together.

I wouldn't want to live in a place where I couldn't swear. Unless it's the kind of world like Fantastic Mr. Fox where all curse words are "cuss" because that's hilarious.

And James Marsden.

That waiter. My god.

He was also a fucking asshole to her afterwords.

I hate everyone who keeps making the Asian jokes. What's it gonna take for that to stop?

How is he a father if he's a robot—eh screw it I'll watch anything with McAvoy. He's dreamy.

Slade Wilson sounds like Wade Wilson's cooler older brother who appears in one episode and then is never mentioned again.

Waitaminute you've told this story before!

It's more frustrating to me to see women like her standing in the way of women's rights as opposed to men because that means we're fighting amongst ourselves which helps no one.

*Reads* Uh. No?

I don't understand this criticism of Civil War being the product of "serialization", which is kind what all of the MCU has been building up to right? Yes, there is plenty of criticism in the formula and the glut of which has possibly made these films not as accessible to general audiences who have maybe only seen one

RickySplaining is talking about in reference to 2011's summer.

I proudly tell people that Popstar was one of the funniest experiences I had in the theater, both when I saw it sober and drunk off my ass.

What in gods name is wrong with Dino's eyes?

YouTube culture is fascinating. Because it's so stupid.

Oh stop with the hyperbole. It's one guy.

Moonrise Kingdom.