
I'm a young'n around these parts. I admit that I kill a few minutes on Buzzfeed from time to time, reading GIF-filled articles about nothing and taking quizzes about which Disney villain wants to fuck me, but you AVClub, when you port one of their bullshit articles over here as "news", I question who the real

GET OFF THE STAGE! *Angrily throws beer bottle*

I'll be crying over here on the west coast thanks.

He turned into that falafel from Sausage Party pretty abruptly.

Whenever I've watched Man V. Food I've been unable to get past the fact that those meals are such a huge waste of food. I understand it's a gimmick but it teeters on disgusting sometimes, especially when only one person is supposed to eat all of it.

I think the look of the Beast will probably make or break the movie.

The important thing is that the assault of one woman emotionally affected a man who had nothing to do with it and needed to feel verified in his thoughts.

Oh my god Nancy Grace is ending? How will my mom get all her crushingly depressing news about kidnapped women and murdered children that she feels the need to keep telling me about?

And she gets to have it without any reprocussions on her part. While her friends are dead and now morally condemned.

I really can't decide what to make of the trailer. I trust it's going to be good because of the director, but found footage is still found footage and the shaky cam stuff in the trailer is fucking annoying.

That rape/retaliation thing was fascinating. The thing is I didn't really like Levy's character that much, I get her motivation but she has nothing else to her and she's very morally passive in the story. I'm not saying that she didn't care about her friends or that she wasn't at all emphatic to the kidnapped girl,

I'm very very curious as to how you'll respond to this. I loved it. But it was also fucked up and I can see why a certain plot point would turn some people off.

I didn't find either film "scary" just very intense. As a woman, I was way more disturbed by Don't Breathe.

It's the difference of being shit on by a horse versus being shit on by a bird.

The finale was satisfying but still open ended with a lot of possibilities for future seasons. But no let's not speculate about that let's just talk about how Barb is the unsung hero for all the 12 minutes she had on the show and how Steve is a TV douche who reminds everyone of another TV douche.

And where are those people who are gonna take this and spin it to make it her fault? Because they need to die first.

Dude yesssssss. But at the same time I love how unforgiving the ending is.

Yeah the show is good. It is not the best thing ever. But I can see how in a summer of pretty bad movies it seems like a revelation.

Oh a movie starring Emma Stone that actually looks amazing. Lemme guess, the Asian joke is still a thing *checks*. Yep. Fuck you guys.

Dang. Between this and that Phineus and Ferb show, I just really don't like the design. It's ugly.