
Yeah you can spend an evening marathoning the Scream movies and still have a pretty fun time.

There was an artist on DeviantArt (yes sometimes there's not gross things on there) who had this piece he did on Jacob's Ladder where he talked about his experience watching the movie and how great it was doing until a little film called Silence of the Lambs came out and completely overshadowed it. Which is a bummer

No. I know Cabin is hugely popular, but no. It's not trying to be the same thing as Scream. It wasn't trying to revitalize the genre, it was just making a broad statement on the genre as a whole. Scream was observing the status of slasher movies, which was dead at the time, and commenting on not only the cliches in

I like Scream 4 more than 3 because it takes Sidney out of the position of the victim and makes her a survivor and she stands by that. It's a fun movie, Scream 3 is too meta and campy and ridiculous and doesn't spend a lot of time with Roman's character to make me really care about his reveal at the end.

1. Every time I revisit Scream I get more and more confused at how anyone would hang around Billy. He is a skeevy fuck from start to finish.
2. Dude I just can't agree with those rankings. I love Scream 2. It's my favorite in the series. Also my favorite of Courtney Cox's hairstyles.

It was certainly jarring to see teenage kids going to see Zoolander 2 while full-well knowing that they were barely even alive when the first movie came out, or maybe born years after the fact.

The Zoolander movies are less satires of fame and celebrity than celebrations, beginning with a film-opening cameo from Justin Bieber that illustrates that the reviled pop star is on the joke enough to be one of 17 million famous people participating in Ben Stiller’s merry little dress-up party circle jerk.

His Twitter statement initially was just saying, this is a thing that happened. No condolences, no remorse for the dead, just the fucking facts. I hope he dies. I mean it I fucking hate him and what he represents.

The one-two punch of Aurora and Sandy Hook broke me. I'm from Colorado and any person with an ounce of sanity would be devastated by Sandy Hook. When 2013 came and nothing changed, I knew it never would.

No one is asking for this. :)

Ew. She was murdered point blank. How can anyone think of dragging her name through the mud? I don't understand how people can be so evil.

You're just going deeper in the bummer well.

How some people almost immediately went after Patton Oswalt after McNamara's death, making jokes and posting pictures of her as a ghost, it's just fucking disgusting.

2016: If you're a musician, you're probably dead.

I don't want to see it because I don't really like Paul Feig's movies in general. I appreciate them but I don't think any of them are that good.

Is…is serious or no?

I'm visiting my mom, who is about the same age as Simmons, next week. Kind of want to print these out for her and be like, "Get your ass to the gym grandma!"

Oh shit that made me laugh.

Lol comment/username synergy.

I don't know the limitations of a PG-13 these days are…few.