
That's absolutely disgusting. I have mentally ill siblings and the thought of something like that happening to them would send me into a furious rage. All of those girls and guys are going to rot in fucking hell.

Yeah after the 72nd time she said alcohol I just about rolled my eyes into the back of my head. Bitch your friend raped someone. Raping > drinking. There's no argument. But you know what? It's because she didn't know the victim. That makes her not really a real person because she can't identify with her as a childhood

Say alcohol one more time. Alcohol didn't rape that woman.

I'd rather she be sued for thinking people popping up behind someone and scaring them and not expecting to be punched in the face is genuine comedy.

The origin is he opened his mouth and words came out.

I like her. Yeah I like Peggy more obviously, but given the circumstances, I like Sharon and would like to see more of her in a future Cap film (if that's gonna happen).

Okay but FUCKING RIGHT??? That shit was weird.

Ummmm photos now? Please.

At least Agent 13 gets to fight Bucky and get slammed against a table. Natalie Portman was space filler.

I think "controversy" is a bigger word when you're among thousands of fans at a convention opposed to anywhere else in the world.

Who sucks more Michael Bay or the people who go watch these movies and earn them millions of dollars in box office returns?

It's hard not to.

The fucking shit does that even mean?

Have you read the letter of the sexual assault victim to her attacker that's circulating online today? It's a doozy but absolutely necessary to read.

Oh. Is it possible to give negative shits about someone's opinion?

Oh god it's the same people who take Fight Club at face value. Just dangerously missing the point.

Slasher movies have their loyal fans just as Game of Thrones or Doctor Who have theirs.

From what I've read of your comments over these kind of movies, I respectfully don't agree with your opinions at all.

I need to rewatch New Nightmare it's been too long.

Yeah there's something about that aesthetic that makes it really seem unnatural, like you know it's just a set and not like you're in a suburban house or in the backwoods of Texas.