
I always appreciated in the original series how the child molester angle is implied, very heavily so depending on the movie (FvJ's opening sure does) and that's all that needs to be said about it.

What frustrates me about the remake is that the basic premise of the Elm Street series offers a plethora of creativity when engineering the nightmares, but the movie opted to re-do Freddy's origin for no logical reason. Instead we just see a greatest hits compilation of the first movie and it failed so hard. If they

Yes I would love to have a whole movie of Jennifer Lawrence not giving a shit.

My mom makes really good wassail.

I'd volunteer myself but then I would just make Tom Hiddleston rehearse in the nude.

Oh man. I'm assuming it was the writing and Bryan Singer's distain for Cyclopes, but I hated Tye Sheridan in X-Men. He was such a dumb little punk and something something the wrong kid dies.

That's the only defense that Rob Zombie's Halloween films have going for them; they are unquestionably his style and his vision. He's not making it under any studio scrutiny or restriction, they're very much his movies love them or hate them. Compared to the dreck that Platinum Dunes pushes out, that does at least

I will give all of my money to the film if that's the title.

I will continue to demand a Jason in the winter setting until it finally happens.

Obligatory comment regarding how much I enjoyed The Man from UNCLE. Cause I did.

So Green Room was a documentary…

Look as someone who was rather indifferent to BvS, and even liked it at some points, the biggest crime of that movie was putting a stone cold fox like Diane Lane in a granny wig and deepening her wrinkles. As a straight lady I have to say that that bitch still got it! She's hot.

I don't want to seem like I really care but why did Michael Strahan leave suddeny? Was there an explanation?

Thank you I think you're dead on here, pun intended. Like a Friday sequel I can get excited about because I'll have fun. Halloween is more about story and atmosphere which as proven is hard to replicate because it's played straight.

She comes into my work with her family. It took me a while to realize who she was but she's very nice.

I think Oscar Isaac really shot himself in the foot by jumping on with FOX, but I'm hoping that because of all the makeup and prosthetics making him nearly unrecognizable means he's still eligible for popping up in the MCU later on.

I'm late on replying but the movie deliberately conjured up situations in which she had to strip down to her underwear a few times if I remember.

Yes this "tin-ear" notion of whether or not we are supposed to be laughing with the characters or purposefully disliking them is what I keep coming back to. Granted I've only seen one of his movies so I'm not versed in his filmography at all but it doesn't surprise me that at least as far as his recent string of films

Yet you still didn't fix it.

Oh is this a fact? Is this on the Wikpedia under "Horror Movie Rankings that Everyone Voted On in Congress"?