
Matthew Goode was easily the worst casting in an otherwise great cast. (Give or take Malin Akerman, personally I don't mind her but some people disliked her in that movie.)

Yes I too have what you might refer to as a "stuffy nose".

Ugggggggggggggggggh I hate how much I love those choices. I'd watch those four in anything. Fuck now I'm really not excited about the actual movie.

Back when the film was announced, The Dissolve ran an article about who they thought could be the four lady-Ghostbusters and their choices along with everyone's in the comments was varied and sprawling with so many interesting and great possibilities (Kristen Schaal, need I say more). I will completely admit how

Hated Bridesmaids (so much Kristen Wiig cringe-humor that I can't stand). The Heat and Spy are fine, still too broad for my tastes but I can see why Spy at least did so well. The preemptive nail in the coffin for me with Ghostbusters was playing it super safe with the cast. Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth are the

I say that because I feel obligated to support this movie and Paul Feig's movies in general because they are some of the very few successful female-driven comedies, even though I honestly don't like any of them all that much and don't have any higher expectations for Ghostbusters.

Nope that still sounds awesome. (MRAs are stupid. This whole movie's "WE'RE SERIOUSLY SUPER FEMINIST YOU GUYS" approach, meeeeh not so much).

I think I'm failing as a feminist because I'm pretty sure Chris Hemsworth is gonna be my favorite thing about this movie.

WEST: Now I am leaving earth for no raisin!

Does anyone here watch or listen to Double Toasted? Their review of Fifty Shades of Black is hilarious but also they seriously started a petition to get Marlon Wayans to stop makin spoof movies. Shortly after Wayans said that this was going to be his last spoof movie.

Yes yes I'm positive this new Birth of a Nation is revolutionary but now I'm afraid that Farty Boner Corpse might not live up to expectations, which get thicker and gassier each day.

I just bought the soundtrack to The Fog this weekend because I think it's perfectly haunting and spooky in a way that isn't so overshadowed by the movie it's based off of (Halloween). Guess I'll have to go buy Lost Themes I and II soon…and tickets…cause fuck yeah I'm going to that.

Hmm that makes sense. Seemed like an easy joke to make but I've heard as much about army life.

I didn't like the sanitation bit, like that really minimized Finn's role as part of the Stormtrooper program. Oh the sanitation guy doesn't want to be part of the Empire? How thrilling!

As a fan of the Flophouse podcast, I keep waiting for them to make "Slice of Dreyf" t-shirts. I need some Slice of Dreyf in my life because Richard Dreyfuss is fucking awesome.

Funny, I was just reading about that teacher who had sex with her student and they eventually got married when she was released from prison. She got pregnant with him when he was twelve. She fucked a twelve year old and had his baby, then had another one with him like two years later. The kid couldn't even drive a

Did this movie resonate with anyone? I don't even remember it doing very well at work I think we lost it after two weeks.

It's really disrespectful of them to dig up Jon Lovitz's corpse just for stunt casting.

I grew up with the late 90s/00s Nicktoons but I really have no nostalgia for it. Watching Rugrats as a grownup is very boring. So I'll be over here being the buzzkill.

The best 80s movie that never was.