
I'll go to bat for the first 3 Scary Movies, even if they were most amusing to me in my teen years. Part 3 even got the ZAZ team together again and Leslie Nielsen! So many good quotes:
•"I wonder what President Ford would have done." *Cut to portrait of Harrison Ford*
•"Sir there have been reported sightings of UFOs—"

But how weiney is the weiner dog?

That episode of Black Dynamite has made it hard for me to accept any other truth about Michael Jackson.

Conan's having a bad January.

The whole thing about Palin and Trump blaming Obama for her son beating up his girlfriend because he has PTSD from doing tours while Bush was in office pushed me over the edge with her. I'd rather just believe Tina Fey made up this character instead of believing this fucking stupid white trash walking brain aneurism

I need to make a MP3 file from the commentary for Futurama's "Luck of the Fryish" episode when they all started singing Nobody caaaaares.

I'm more bothered by Caine's "this doesn't affect me in any way so why should they care?" attitude.

That made me so Changry.

And I feel in the minority here which seems to be rather positive towards him. But I've only seen him here and there.

Exactly what I thought.

One is a recent indie from New Zealand

How about that rapist dog from Man's Best Friend?!

I watched Room last night. He's so cute I can't handle it. What a horrifying reality that he could theoretically grow up to be like Will Forte.

Well this is my favorite comment regarding BvS ever.

Here I thought I was the only person who saw that movie. And hell I even liked it.

Wait. Bring back the steak Amanda Waller was eating, that was my favorite character!

I just imagine Chris Pine walking in on Hemsworth, Evans, and Pratt all committing some kind of blood sacrifice, turning to him with bloody hands and piercing blue eyes saying, "Jooooooin usssssssss." Before he ran out the Marvel doors screaming like a girl.

The AV Club

I was wondering where my moron was.

I can hear myself now: Colorado doesn't look like California with a few pine trees thrown in the background.