
The cockroach part is one of the best nightmare sequences in the franchise; so many of the dreams are more figurative and thematic but that one is so literal in its approach that it's equally terrifying in a more direct way. To turn into the thing you fear the most? Horrifying and genius.

I respect that Rooney Mara didn't want to do the movie but it does irritate me that at the same time shows no respect for fans of the series by not trying to make her Nancy an interesting take on the character.

Edit: Also, 4 beats 3 any day. I know that's sacrilege, but dammit, 4 is great. Alice > Nancy.

I remember my high school boyfriend being kind enough to drive out to the way-out-of-town theater to take me to see the Reboot because I was on this huge Elm Street kick in high school and then enduring my nerd rage all the way home. Out of any franchise, Elm Street really does apply itself to a multitude of

And we will always wonder about the What Could Have Been in regards to Peter Jackson's version. Of which I think is online in part, I've read a little bit of it. But it was an interesting idea and more in line with the tone Dream Warriors set up as opposed to what became with Freddy's Dead.

This movie was proof to me that bird explosions are a surefire comedy every time. It's so absurd to begin with but the bird just fucking exploding like a bag of popcorn is the best.

I hate to use the term "guilty pleasure" but Freddy vs. Jason is just that: hate to love it, love to hate it, if it's on TV I am absolutely watching it.

I hated Monica Keener's character. Her line readings are just terrible, especially the "Welcome to my world bitch!" when she lops of Freddy's head. There's a bunch of deleted scenes where she says even stupider lines and I don't know how much of it is the writing or her delivery but ugh she sucks.

But can you imagine having just died and you land in the same room with Bowie and Rickman? Best conversation ever.

Also Chi-Raq and Will Smith in Concussion.

He's a white guy in Hollywood, surely he'll get five more chances before a woman or POC director gets one.

I only saw Episode once in theaters which would have certainly made me a child. But I can't for the life of me remember much about the movie to begin with it made so little impression on me. It was very cool to hate Jar Jar on the playground though, so I think I just gave in to peer preasure and went along with it. I

I'm very sad for Conan. Now that he's the longest running talk show host he has the most collected memories of all of these great people he's had the pleasure of meeting. His montage for Bowie was not the least bit joyful, you can see how pained he is to have to do this.

"Is it any good?"

I don't see the point in aiming for such a young Han. Harrison Ford was like 40 when they made Star Wars. Yeah blah blah blah, longevity, actor can grow into the role, tell that to RDJ and his throne made of gold bars and nerd jizz.

I love Dave Franco. But his voice alone just doesn't fit. Imagine the cantina scene with Franco, the moment he'd try to put his foot up on the table he'd flip out of his seat.

Chris Pratt smacking Short Round sounds hilarious.

That baby face ain't gonna do him no favors. Harrison Ford never looked like a baby. Even when he was a baby.

Mary-Ann and the rest…

I got teary-eyes just reading this article. I think I'm sadder for everyone around him because of how influential he was to those people. He will live on forever though.