
I hate Robyn so much. I can't remember if it was this episode or the last one where she and Malcolm are talking and she tells him in a way to just give up on everything and everyone after all he had accomplished with his sobriety. Like fuck her, I don't even understand how we're supposed to sympathize with her at this

Worked for Phasma.

Poe's dialogue worked for him based on Isaac's charisma and they should have left it at that, but that Whedon-esque-crap really made me hate Finn by the end of the film.

One bombed, the other broke box office records.

Right? I hate Dream Me.

The Greatest Depression?

Occasionally I have this reoccurring dream where I'm angry with someone, who has spent the dream pestering/bullying me or someone around me. I get furious with them, start screaming, then I try to hit them, but for some reason my body is too weak and I can't hit them as hard as I want to. Sometimes I'll try to

I think it's just downright foolish at this day and age to assume women don't like these movies. Are some dragged there out of obligation? Sure but ladies love superheroes too.

My favorite moment while cleaning a theater was waiting on three older women who were in X-Men: Days of Futures Past and listening to their interpretation of what had happened. They kept calling Wolverine the Wolf Man. It was cute.

NEVER! *Clicks immediately*

In that article that had over 1000 comments on it, I'm pretty sure most people agreed that "Cabin in the Woods" was not the best horror movie of the past 15 years, regardless of whether they personally liked the film or not.

He's so damn…neutral…

Paul Rudd too.

C+ from Dowd? So I'll probably like it.

There is just not enough love in the world for Bowfinger. That movie's freaking hilarious.

I'll be working it. Employees aren't allowed to see it for free, as is the norm, until January 4th. But I guess some of us are dressing up for it so that'll be the extent of my fun for those two weeks.

Part of me wants to see more of Molly and Gus but I don't think I could handle the anxiety of another season wondering if they will make it or not.

Victor Frankenstein would have been better served it had tried to be like the Cushing/Hammer films instead of a Guy Ritchie-Sherlock Holmes knockoff. I genuinely believe the film's PG-13 rating crippled it. James McAvoy gives a hell of a bat-shit performance, the rest of the movie should have matched that.

Yes, you all should go see Creed in theaters, it's fantastic.

Exactly, I have no idea how people are gonna be able to sit through the entire thing more than once because it seems more like a chore than an experience.