
I just remember how freaking sad Kung Fu Panda 2 got.

I can't get mad at actors who are obviously having fun on film even if they are wrong for the part.

Can we retroactively edit Batman Forever to use the phrase "goof juice"?

I don't understand. Are you implying that Clark Kent and Superman have some sort of…connection? Like they share a condo unit?

Oh twist my arm why don't you?

This is what it would be like if Hollywood made this movie after listening to an excitable small child explain what he thinks a Superman and Batman movie would be like. Since it's Zack Snyder it's not that far off.

That's basically been my thought process these past couple of years.

Ohhhhhhh I totally see that.

I'm waiting for Obama to break. He's on his way out and he seems kind of broken by the system, maybe he'll just make a bunch of decrees as he leaves the White House flipping the bird to everyone.

Reagan…Reagan was not good for America.

What about that Han-sel guy? He's so hot right now.


I remember the episode where Jack teams up with the lady version of Aku, and even though it's so obvious it's him I was at the time surprised and felt deceived by the darkness of that episode. Aku was so powerful and sneaky, it was intimidating.

I was referring to the comments on that particular review.

A reminder about one of the things that bothered me about The Dissolve and even here, lots of people harping on movies just based on the review without actually giving the movie a chance. I am just as guilty of this as anyone but I also have a job that allows me to see movies for free. I get it, time X money = not

I hope to god that guy went home that night and told his side of the story and then had every single person relentlessly mock him for the remainder of his life.

I thought the demon was actually gonna possess Pablo and we were gonna lose him.

I liked this movie. The reviews tore it apart but I thought it was an interesting idea and I like every single person in it.

I only just found out this year that Michael and Phenomenon are not the same movie.

Did you keep it warm in your ass?