
Traditional lightsaber fight? Aww that sounds way better than stupid touch football.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I have to spend my favorite Holiday at work and with a cold no less, so please enjoy those turkey and crescent rolls for me, but not the mash potatoes I don't like them. Tell them to go fuck themselves.

The turkey's done?

I'll only watch* if they team up to brutally murder Miranda Cosgrove. Because she was a fucking twat-waffle on Drake and Josh.

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

I forgot Martin Freeman was in this. There's so much going on that wasn't even in the trailer!

Nope. 2014. But it came out in April which makes it seem like a lot longer.

I genuinely enjoy the one Fallon did with Mariah Carrey for "All I Want For Christmas Is You", it was cute.

Waves a small flag for Incredible Hulk.

What is it about the even numbered years being the best years for these movies? Like I thought last year was a good run for superhero films but god-damn-it is next year gonna be amazing.

I'm not crying you're crying!

And then that beatdown JESUS CHRIST.

No, I'd imagine this will have the same hush-hush ambiguity that Kingdom of/from the Sun (The Emperor's New Groove) has.

Which is the real story that I'm interested in, as they also replaced the entire cast too.

Bruce Campbell was the best part and he gets a horribly violent death. I cried.

Last year I took a class on dinosaurs and I've even kept my binder of all my notes and papers because I found it to be genuinely interesting, so yes I am completely with you on this. The agricultural stuff, the tools? (the fuck do dinosaurs need tools for?), the lack of any evolution dinosaur or environmental wise

Call a doctor buddy.

*Sigh* yeah…I remember that…

I don't like the implication that Trish/Jessica might have had a romantic relationship you've made. That's not their relationship and it seems pretty obvious the further you get into the series.

My heart is crying.