
That hug got me all teary-eyed.

This is off-topic to the episode but just a general question: Didn't Dodd say something about having 4 daughters? Where are they? Where are the wives?

Dateline: Is Ron Livingston the Greatest American Hero? Tonight at eleven.

I'm a 90s child and I don't get this huge nostalgia boner everyone has for Nickelodeon cartoons.

Go on…

I want to see this movie, sincerely. This is the most baffling trailer I've seen in a while.

Oooooooooooooh I did not put together that that was Luke's wife. That's gonna be a huge bombshell for him if/when she tells him.

Goddammit I'm so tired of the Emma Stone jokes but fuck if I don't respect you.

Fuck the American psychology that for some reason makes us so unwilling and anxious to discuss politics in a healthy and rational matter. I applaud Colbert for bringing that conversation to late night.

I watched a lot of MLP freshmen year of college…for some reason…and I concur. Rainbow Dash is a Rainbow Dash-hole.

Has anyone ever seen those Reaction videos on YouTube? There was one "Kids React To…" and I think it was for the Age of Ultron trailer. Most of the kids were actually pretty indifferent but there was this one little entitled girl who was so "EW THAT'S A BOYS THING AND I HATE BOYS THINGS" because you know it's 2015 and

I'm happy everyone made it through. I'm pulling for Charlie because he is just a kid and he doesn't realize how fucked up his family is, or maybe now he kind of does.

I showed that scene to a friend of my who had no familiarity with the show. We laughed very hard and she decided to start watching it.

…*Signs up immediately, has pilot ready to go*…

Paper Man was an indie she did before she made a splash with Easy A. It's not the most original plot, and even an odd foreshadowing of how she always ends up playing opposite men who are much older than her, but it's a good netflix movie and her performance is great.

Hey look, an old man's talking!

But they're evil which is way more fun.

Looks like Bastard Executioner got a Bitch Fit Execution.

My philosophy is that if the people behind it genuinely have something to offer to the story, then remakes are possible. It's when remakes are made solely for name recognition, like this year's completely unnecessary Poltergeist remake, that are a huge waste of time.

This is something I've seen mentioned since Ant-Man got released. Hope was always in the script but her part was substantially smaller. Here's an io9 article that mentions it: http://io9.com/why-theres-s…