
You know that is just awesome and fascinating enough that that caters to the extent of my Battlestar Galatica knowledge.

I kept waiting for him to pop up and with every new creature I'd wondered if I had missed him. But nope, I watch too much Game Grumps to not recognize Cyborg Photographer.

My boner is listening…

Rowlf was in the 10 minute "pilot" and so was Walter I think. But yeah where is he now?!

+1 For calling out that extremely stupid "Mom/Dad" trend that the kids are doing these days. It's weird and creepy.
+1 For me having no fucking clue where this was going to go.
+5 For having a main girl a thousand times more charismatic than Emma on Scream.
-10 For the treatment of the deaf girl. Really all of the girls

It's weird but I liked the jokes in the 10 minute preview special more so than the pilot. But maybe that's because I already knew the jokes and I was disappointed that Fozzie's girlfriend had been replaced.

I learn something new about you every day!

I miss The Dissolve. :(

Actresses who look nothing like Billie Jean King continue to get cast as Billie Jean King. (Actually, Larson might look okay.)

Guys I've been meaning to catch this last season on Netflix. How was it?

Whoa. Forgot that was a thing.

Tom Hanks is so weirdly angry throughout that whole movie. But damn if that shot of them finding the bones in the yard isn't hilarious.

I'm scared of spiders. I have been telling myself for the past two weeks that all they want is ice cream with flies, and it is actually helpful.

Ma! Pa! Our home!

As far as the weirder ones go, I love the first Wendell sketch with the pizza guy because I had no idea where it was going. On rewatch it makes perfect sense.

On Twitter Peele asked everyone what their favorite sketches were. It's incredibly hard to rank them but I listed my top three:

…erh…um well if you took the chef hat off…

Not that Goblin. The band Goblin.

As much as I love Suspiria, the actual plot and characters are not the reason that movie excels. But I suspect a remake with a tighter plot and more defined characters would easily rob the movie of its atmosphere and bizarreness and Goblin.

I'm as equally irritated by the fact that she refuses to resign, because being in that kind of position pays well enough that she can get away with being a bigot and hold it over people's heads.