
No. It is so hard for me not to go off on abortion, particularly when it involves an un-educated self-righteous conservative man, but that whole story was just disgusting and upsetting long before Huckabee chimed in with his arrogant and putrid word vomit on the matter. Look, America has its fair share of

And no one should blame you for thinking that.

Wow. I already thought Huckabee was a piece of shit, but that is just terrible. I'm very sorry for you, your friend and her family.

And oh boy has that joke totally aged well.

I'm gonna start an Avengers-styled film universe based on the appliances in my kitchen.

Every time I watch this scene, and it gets to the point where the parents arrive home and just barely miss Barrymore out of the corner of their eye, I plead for her to just bang her hands on the porch to make some kind of noise so that they'll hear her.

I had a similar experience walking in on my mom watching Scream 2, where Sarah Michelle Gellar is thrown from the balcony. I always had a bad habit of walking in on my mom watching R-rated movies, and she sent me to bed not realizing how terrified I was. It wasn't until years later when I was watching Scream 2 for the

Here's my weird sad confession, I live by myself and will put on Let's Plays in the background because it's like someone else is in the room with me…playing a video game. It's not like a TV show where there's an actual plot going on, the LPs I watch are more conversational with their audience and it's just like

I disagree, the Scream series was one of the first slasher/horror franchises I saw and I considered it to be a good little introductory lesson on the genre. It made me want to go seek out all of these other movies that were being referenced and made me appreciate them more.

I've already seen this episode of Spongebob. His arms ended up exploding.

It's been a long time since I read Craven's draft but I remember how much more of a hardened character Nancy was. I liked it, but I think what worked in the film version is that she has some psychological damage but that hasn't stopped her from moving on with her life, she's stronger for it and is stronger to take on

There was too much contrived stupidness in Riley's death scene to actually make me feel sorry for her. Why the sudden interest in Tyler when no one else seemed to care? Why was there not a single person in the police station? And complete missed opportunity for something actually scary to happen when Riley's body is

I'll take your word for it.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That Brooke bitch never died? Fuck this show.

Oh yeah! I don't think you're supposed to like him in that episode.

Because fat guys who wear glasses are such a rare commodity in Hollywood.

There's something about Chloe Grace Moretz where she just always looks clean and pretty. This trailer has her literally covered in dirt and it just looks like she needs a tissue to wipe most of it away.

Probably the only time I've ever been happy for a giant spider. He got his ice cream!

This stuff isn't that impressive if you were the weirdo in high school who spent her nights on Nightmare Companion and watching every single feature on the DVD boxset doing research for fan fiction.