
I'll say Lethal Inspection didn't work for me, as was the new trend of the Post-Fox episodes, because death wasn't permanent on this show. It worked in The Sting because up until that point no one had died but even then it's used as a much more complex psychological story. Post-Fox, Fry and Bender were dying every

The Stupidest Angel and the book that proceeded it (I can't remember the title) are my favorites.

Yeah I really didn't like how Tommy and Jody became secondary characters in their own story.

Christopher Moore has a new book! :) I was kind of disappointed with Bite Me, don't know how a sequel to A Dirty Job will turn out. Reading the summary though, I clearly have forgotten how that first book even ended.

The thing is, we have The Guest on Netflix now. We don't need this movie.

So I just saw UNCLE tonight and the thing is, that's exactly what Henry Cavil reminded me of. He was playing a more competent, but still douchey and banging chicks, Archer. The scene where he's being tortured I kept expecting him to start talking about how awesome it was gonna be when he kills the guy.

Only if Matthew Holness joins him.

No it's impossible to ignore the genre's rampant sexism and exploitation. But when a horror film gets its female characters right, they are damn good characters.

I like You're Next in the context of a brutally dark comedy rather than a horror movie. You're not supposed to like anyone in that movie except for the heroine. CITW I think tries too hard to be a parody and serious at the same time and loses its way with the "hero" characters, who I did not give a flying fuck about.


Later they bone?

It is pretty scary how big my lady boner for Gothic Tom Hiddleston is.

Is "Horror Drama" a thing? Because that's what Let the Right One In is. And I would absolutely put it in my top ten for this century.

I keep saying that horror movies are far more progressive in gender roles than most other genres. Now LGBT horror movies characters are the next hurdle.

The deconstruction of horror films as a means of voyeurism isn't anything new though. Movies like Peeping Tom and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer came out decades before. I'll say the better argument for the film is that it's about how cyclical Hollywood is when producing new horror movies and we keep watching the

I think the movie is okay. As a "horror-comedy" I think it's mediocre at both and as some people feel about the Scream movies or a movie like You're Next, I felt like I was being beaten over the head with how meta it is. The end when we have Sigourney Weaver explaining what "Arch-types" are, I found to be incredibly

Good god yes, the sheer apathy ScarJo has during that entire scene is disturbing as hell.

This is the Best "I Can Barely Name Ten Horror Movies" List ever.

Tucker and Dale I find to be strangely adorable and I would watch it over Cabin in the Woods any day.

Muppet Faces of Death!