
Had me with Days of Futures Past, lost me on Resident Evil, won me back with New Nightmare, left me middling over Halloween Water (which has a very satisfying conclusion, but I'd pick Halloween 4 over it).

Why stop with Scream? Let's get more slasher-movie-cum-internalized-knock-offs on the air? We can get a Jason Voorhees duplicate who wears a football helmet and kills with a fishing spear but to keep it fresh for the kids, it'll be shot in the style of a mockumentary with lots of mugging the camera.

Once you realize that You're Next is just a terribly violent dark comedy, it's a lot of fun.

Hey! Someone else in the world acknowledged MTV's briefly lived Spider-Man series (with Neil Patrick Harris voicing Peter Parker no less)! That was a good show.

I feel like it'd be harder to be mad at a dog puppet for ruining your life.

Shameless Promotion/I Am So Tired!

Easily one of my favorite films of 2013, only bested by Frances Ha.

I said "empowering", not "a very good argument for why you should never get pregnant or leave your house".

I love Wait Until Dark. I hate/love the husband in Wait Until Dark who shows up at the end and is like, "Hey my poor suffering blind wife who just killed a guy, I think now's the perfect time for me to comfort you by making you walk your sightless ass over to me because godforbid I do anything for you. Not gonna start

I'd be lying if I didn't say pregnant ladies in peril stories are like catnip to me. I find it to be weirdly empowering.

Oh yeah I spent the entire day after watching this episode just hearing Olivia Wilde's reading of, "I will fucking kill you", over and over again. And I had hoped that BoJack would find some peace with Charlottle, but that last moment rightfully slammed the door on that relationship forever.

I've driven through 90% of Wyoming. It's beautiful at the corner where the state meets with Utah, and then fucking nothing forever.

I drove from Colorado back to my place in Southern California for 18 hours straight. Got home at 5 am, went to work at 12.

On that theory: Ben Schwartz voicing Rutabaga is the give-away in my opinion. I love him but he's too good at playing the oily Harold Hill characters.

I've spent the past 3 days watching the entire show and by the end of season two, it in a way felt like looking into a mirror that I'm not sure I should be relieved about or be even more devastated by.

I grew up as a young teen in the early 00s, so I admit to totally embracing Evanescence during my "goth" phase. In hindsight, their first album Fallen is just ridiculously campy and riddled with exactly the kind of cliched angst lyrics you think it would be. Their second album, The Open Door, is actually pretty good.

The first time I saw that sketch, my immediate thought was, "I must get that tattooed across my chest!"

I kind of wish the episode had ended on BoJack standing outside crying to himself. It resonated with me on a very personal level.

I'm very happy my manager has been giving me her copies of JD Salinger's other works to read. Bring on the obscure Salinger references, I totally get them!

The day people stop giving a fuck about a woman's body before and after her pregnancy is the day I eat shit out of a hat.