
All they had to do was give Lara Croft a more proportional waistline.

The theme of the day: Scrawler does not like your advertisements.

Bowfinger doesn't get enough love. It's still pretty accurate.

Show of hands and claws, how many of you would say "The Sting" is your personal favorite episode? It's absolutely mine.

*I haven't seen this week's episode*

But it's literally your name!

I love that there was more to the Gary joke than what we saw in the first preview.

I respect Animal's desire for tasteful nudity.

Nothing about the characters is important to the plot. And I say that as someone who still likes the movie despite it's infinite problems.

Fuuuuuuuuuuu—okay I had to look it up. Not the worst ban (which is just fucking disgusting to say anyway) but I can fester my rage internally.

Prologue Spoilers:

You know what's a funny scene? In Thor TDW when they're at Erik's house and Thor politely hangs up Mjolnir on the hook.

"It's like The Shining in the toilet" - holy shit that is an A+ line right there that I will be using for the rest of my life.

Pretty sure I could write a dissertation about everything that went wrong with the ASM film's handling of Gwen Stacey.

Has there ever been any footage of Shailene Woodley's Mary Jane released? While it wouldn't have helped the bloated hot mess that ASM2 was, I still wanted to see what she did with the character.

Amanda Waller's steak looks fucking delicious.

It'll be ongoing for the next three weeks, basically until the end of the month. You can submit one script/prose/whatever, and we'll all have a week to read it and then we'll join back up to talk about them.

Hey guys, I'm sure some of you are familiar, but the night that The Dissolve went down I proposed that a bunch of us get together to form a creative writer's group. I'm super sorry if this is not the first time you've seen me talking about this, I'm just trying to get some interest. There's still time to join if you

You know what? I like Kate McKinnon's look. She's totally pulling off the Egon.