
Which is actually what the chant is based on, sounding like "Ki, ki, ki, ma, ma, ma".

She's judging irresponsible and promiscuous teenagers in heaven now.

That's gonna be my new answer when ever someone questions why I don't like Say Anything…

This is exactly what I've been waiting for since Fury Road came out.

Okay so after reading reviews for this all day, I had to go see this. I've never seen Elizabethtown, but I'm finding hard to believe this was the better movie, because I did not watch a good movie. I did not watch an okay movie. I watched a very bad movie.

I love this idea so much I want to have sex with it.

Eww wait is Dakota Johnson supposed to be his wife?

Well Sean has his Big Red NO, you need to have your own schtick. Next time you have a news report of un-shocking proportions, just post a picture of a bucket of water.

Where's the "and water is wet" clause in that headline?

I completely agree but this is like the worst article to make that argument.

But if he doesn't comply they'll just keep dogging him about it.

Okay so for what it's worth I discovered a lot of new bands through the old Guitar Hero games, but this list is pathetic. "Ho Hey", really? I don't even play guitar and I'm pretty sure I could play that entire song on a real guitar. With my feet.

It is super weird how in the very limited amount of time he has in Guardians, including the fact that he dies, I loved the hell out of his character and am saddened by knowing he won't be back.

That courtroom/execution scene has some of the best lines in the entire show.

Why did you put Whose Line bits in here? I am all but forced to watch them.

I hear that worked out great.

I was anticipating a much more bizarre reveal that Phil was in purgatory or something. So the finale was just a teeny tiny bit underwhelming. But that's what I get for expecting Adult Swim on Fox. Anyway the actual last two scenes were sweet and really just what the show needed. Hoping next season doesn't start out

Bring back "While You Were Out" at least in reruns, goddammit. It was 2003, DVR wasn't a thing! There's only ONE EPISODE online anywhere!

I know what you guys are thinking, he probably has the best meth in Gotham.

Glaucoma is no laughing matter.