
I don't understand that second cover, how am I supposed to identify with the female character if her body is completely covered up?

That cameraman is the hero this city deserves.

I'm pretty sure 5000 dollars to Mila Kunis is like the unused-half of a tissue to the rest of us so she'd really have no problem paying the fine.

1. I like that Foggy is not just a comic relief character but one who is actually not bad at his job and participates in a healthy active lifestyle that isn't mocked.
2. First Wesley, now Ben. Karen you suck.
3. The other humorous thing about the rooftop scene was spotting which one was Charlie Cox and which one was

I'm still mad at Karen for the manipulative crap she pulled with Ben so I was incredibly sad to see Wesley go.

The moment he broke down and said, "You weren't supposed to be in here", I immediately turned on Matt, because yeah, he totally just broke in and starting wailing on the guy. Those stitches hurt don't they Matt? Not as much as Melvin's feelings!!!

Sad Matt Murdoch with balloon is something that I hope becomes a meme.

"You mean they're not llamas?"
"No sorry love."
"I'm sorry I won't be able to look you in the eye while we make love tonight."
*Dan cries*
"I'm harsh but fair*.

Dan Stevens in a llama shirt is gonna visit me in my dreams tonight.

*Pulls out blow torch*.

Coming off of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, it's like whiplash to see Tim Blake Nelson play someone who probably doesn't crap his pants and somehow sets himself on fire trying to take them off.

1. I found Karen to be naive and stupid in the first two episodes but admired her determination to rise above the horrible things that happened to her. But that whole thing with Ben was extremely shitty of her. Like goddamn was that selfish.
2. I loved this episode because of how vulnerable Foggy and Matt are with

It's actually German for, "The Superman, The".

Yeah for what it's worth the meta-ness of the Scream films never felt horribly trite until 4, but I still like the movie. This is just fucking daring you to hate watch it. And I will.

Makes sense. The Yellow Power Ranger* was sleeping with Rita right?

The DC Cinematic Universe

Ah you've articulated my exact problem and the same annoyance about how wolves are depicted in the media. The second half of the movie I liked despite it's incessant bleakness, but it was undercut by the ridiculous wolves.

The Grey is better than Gone Girl and The Wolf of Wall Street? Um. No.

Nick and Julia FOREVER!!!!!!!!!