
My mom muses that Galecki has been overshadowed by Parsons just as Cybill Shepherd was overshadowed by Christine Baranski. But even Galecki can't claim to have a Taxi Driver quality film under his belt.

"Ow you're hurting my arm!"

Looks like I'll be increasing the amount of times I visit McDonald's from once every six months to eery' day.

I Still Didn't Know I Was Pregnant what is it like a sequel? Like these women got pregnant AGAIN and didn't realize it?

You could make the same shitty design on Zazzle.

See my problem is that during those trial scenes and previous bunker scenes, I just could not separate the show from reality, which made it uncomfortable. I've seen it suggested that that's the intention, which I guess is a good thing but it makes it hard for me to laugh with the sadder aspects of Kimmy's backstory.

Wow. I just really want to go back and re-read Pet Semetary now.

No I understand, I was angry for Kimmy and Cyndee because in real life I am angry, saddened, and horrified for those kidnapped women in Ohio and all the other parallels that this show borrows from. Titus line, "What is up with society?" is funny in the most horribly truthful way. So the last three episodes were hard

No, I'm really glad I'm not the only one who thinks that too. I wish that I didn't know so much about the various real life parallels this show is basing itself on, because it does cast this extremely dark shadow on the bunker premise and it makes me just the slightest bit uncomfortable to see it played up for laughs.

Completely 100% with you guys here. And the thing that made me so frustrated with him, specifically in the finale, is how he takes absolutely no responsibility for how incomprehensibly stupid he is. He still somehow blames Kimmy for his failings even though he is almost too fucking stupid to function. I really hated

Popeye is where Sony draws the line. Fucking Popeye.

I swear the only reason I find that actor who plays Logan (AKA K-Mart Brand James McAvoy) appealing is solely because of his accent. So even though I love me some Dong, I was voting for Kimmy and the Accent.

With every Frozen announcement, insisting that they will find every conceivable way to keep it relevant in the public eye, my love for Tangled intensifies.

My favorite thing about the date reenactments in the bunker is Kimmy's way of parking a car.

This movie is so unnecessary but…but ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPUCHINOS!

I watched those "sex" scenes through my fingers. It was hilarious, awkward, and terrifying.

Oh god, it's like after World War II ended and all the men returned to their Ghostbusting factories and forced the women to go back to homemaking and Slimer-keeping.

And the sad thing is that's based on a real life person who was in a sense a hero to a group of women but ultimately became another internet punchline, which I'll be honest makes me just the tiniest bit sad when I watch the credits. Catchy song though.

The Mooney/Kyle sketch in this episode brought fond memories of their 90s sitcom sketch from Chris Pratt's episode.

He's the only character who's outcome I cared about in American Hustle.