

I do wanna solute the person who pointed out that they hired a permanent substitute for a Spanish class who does not know how to speak Spanish. Basically the condemnation falls on crappy education systems.

I'm not hip with the young people so I don't really know how popular Vine is. But in all seriousness anyone who suggests Vine is going to replace the movie-going experience can go fuck themselves.

Fair enough. The first movie made so little of an impact on me that I guess that's never bothered me even though that parent's storyline is absolutely the stupidest thing about the second movie (and there is stiff competition about what's the stupidest thing about ASM2).

…and I will now forever pronounce it, "mast-erb-atory".

The hell with those kids I wanted to see Spider-Man.

Can I just say I've never fully understood the complaint of 5 years in between SM3 and the reboots? It's fast sure but I had started and graduated high school and was in my 2nd year of college by the time Amazing Spider-Man came out. It sure felt longer than 5 years.

Oh dang. I like that. But I don't think he's a bad choice for Reed Richards either.

It's nice to have someone vocalize my exact thoughts for me so I don't have to admit that I like Taylor Swift.

Is there anything less visually inspiring or generically "artistic" as a park bench? Did they only have two minutes to put that cover together?

So that llama thing was really about escaped llamas? Fuck I'm glad I had stuff to do yesterday.

Season 2 talk: I don't really ship Sousa and Peggy. They could be cute but he was so quick to turn on her when it was revealed that she was working with Howard. Like I get that he was hurt but at least Thompson had some perspective for being angry with her being so secretive. He had seen Peggy in action and knew what

I think Gunn still has a valid point about the shared universe trend. Hollywood saw the aftermath of Avengers' success and only took into account the money and marketability, not the fact that the studio itself had crafted this film out of years of piecing together a much larger yarn of films and characters. For what

Last month my mom had an accident and I had to stay at home to watch the dogs while they took her in the ambulance. So while I was waiting to hear from the hospital, I had Adult Swim on mute and slowly watched the transition from family-friendly Bob's Burgers, to the slightly edgier and more violent American Dad, to

I'm not saying Bullock deserved it over Blanchett, just that Gravity retroactively justified the Oscar she already had.

Sandra Bullock for Gravity instead of The Blind Side.

I missed the part where they explained the tip was also poisonous. I thought it was just a blade.

Alex takes away anything that makes Piper interesting and removes the backbone she was slowly growing at the start of season 2. Outside of Piper's brother, all the characters that revolve around her make her a very uninteresting person.


He was actually pretty hilarious in Kingsmen: The Secret Service. He has the most miniscule amount of right to be so pious.