
See this is basically my issue with the Dark Knight films. Outside of Batman Begins, Batman really sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the other characters. As a character he becomes sidelined to the Joker (who is by far and away the most engaging character in the entire film) and later every other character and

The film school I went to was very hands on so a lot of what I learned about cinematography was through doing things with a camera and watching movies. But this book was the popular resource when my professors needed us to read something.

Elliot Kalan stirs in his sleep, waking up with sweat on his face because he senses people are talking about a Ziggy movie.

He's in that movie? I don't even remember that.

Yeah because she went first before the other kids. If she had had half of a brain and didn't want to look so stupid buying a ticket for one movie while the rest of them bought tickets for Lucy, she should have just had someone buy the ticket for her.

It's actually called a d-seeder.

I still love traditional books, they're all over my apartment, on the dinner table, the desk, the bed, because I have no room left on my shelves. I just got Roger Ebert's "Your Movie Sucks" and "I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie" off of Amazon. I guess it is more practical to have an e-reader, that's what my mom uses

So last night at work, I'm in the box office and this group of young people show up. I guess they're all at least 18 except for one girl who came up to ask for a ticket for Hercules when everyone else in that group paid for Lucy. And they were all giggly as though I could not possibly figure out that these dumbfucks

Yeah and now that Suburgatory is cancelled I'm assuming her schedule has cleared up.

Allison Pill is excellent! What her character is and what that represents is so disturbing and cheery.

I feel "Rainbow" had a better sense of its abstract and eccentric qualities that made it more interesting to watch. Those moments in "Skin" that are incredibly bizarre and surreal are slight and few and disappear by the end. However both movies suffer with weak endings and the sense that they need a straightforward

I like you.

So what's the terminology? Intellectually disabled? That seems to be the more appropriate phrasing these days. I think time and culture have certainly changed the meaning of "retardation".

Nope, I will not submit to this political corrective terminology. The word is retarded and in the context of the song she meant it positively. Just because the word has been morphed into an unjust slur does not change it's meaning. Having grown up with a mentally retarded relative I came to understand it is not a word

I was already interested in this idea for season 2 but I'm actually a big sucker for pre/current/post Vietnam era stories. Not sure why but the little history nerd inside me loves reading and watching anything about that, I find it so fascinating. So going off Hawley's description this is something I absolutely have

I don't know why Baby Driver (the Simon and Garfunkle one) is one of those songs that gets stuck in my head so easily. Just reading the title and I'm already making car noises.

Would you prefer if he went by Braff Zachlin?

Snob, Phelous, Nostalgia Chick, and Todd in the Shadows are my favorites. The more I watched them the more I realized how lazy a writer Nostalgia Critic is.

Spider-Man 3 is awful but I am much more willing to forgive it as it came out at the end of the first round of Major Superhero Films of the 2000s along with X3 and those Fantastic Four movies. Post 2008 when Dark Knight and Iron Man came to play, the standard got a lot higher.

That review voided itself when one of his counter arguments was Stan Lee's cameo in ASM while conveniently forgetting how crappy Lee's cameo is in the sequel.