
Against my better judgement and for nostalgia's sake, I am bound to watch every Spider-Man movie that comes to theaters for the remainder of my life. That being said as the years have gone by and better superhero movies have come along, I hope that whatever does happen with Spider-Man (esp. if it goes back to Marvel)

I just saw Snowpiercer and the more I think about it the more I'm like YES THIS MOVIE SO GOOD. So it's definitely up there. I'm happy to see a lot of the movies mentioned are the ones that I liked a lot this year so far too. In no particular order I've really enjoyed: Only Lovers Left Alive, Under the Skin, X-Men, The

If I wanted to name my kid after a Ghostbusters reference I'd name them Zuul. If I had twins, The Keymaster and The Gatekeeper.

They have a variation of that on the Coke Zero cans I discovered where instead of names it's titles as in "sharing with a…Buddy". So I was really confused when I found one that said "Grillmaster" and thought what kind of fucking world did we become where that was a name?

I really like the name Finnegan, or Finn for short. But it seems like if I had a kid and named him that there would always be this assumption that it's based from something. Like a name like Atticus has the blatant connection with To Kill a Mocking Bird but Oliver and Finn are still just names.

He was just incredibly generic in the role. I only saw Val Kilmar in a Batsuit, not Batman. I agree with @avclub-2ffe5ae29bb6b60145835654b541b443:disqus, had Clooney had better material, even just Batman Forever's material, he would have been much better than Kilmar was.

So I was expecting like 90% of the poster to be Christoph Waltz's ass. Extremely disappointed.

This shit is the reason that we no longer have X-Men at our theater.

I'm cautiously optimistic. I love the first one, it's one of those movies I could watch at any time and still laugh a lot. I think it's one of those movies that might have been done poorly had they not had the right actors for it. But since that's not the case I look forward to watching more Sudekis on Bateman on Day

Yeah but that wasn't John Francis Daley's fault.


Call me immature, but "cunt" cracks me up when used correctly.

Every time I watch those kind of shows the Little Catholic Nun in my head pops up and reminds me of how there are starving children in Africa and this guy is trying to shove 10 pounds of meat down his gullet in under an hour. I mean surely if there's all this food to waste we could at least be able to keep the

Nothing's gonna stop you now.

I caught a glimpse of the movie while cleaning theaters and I got to see Walberg in glasses and a lab coat. That is a funny ass visual.

I watched a video about the lone abortion clinic that opened up in Nebraska (I think) back in the 80s which brought out all the crazy anti-abortionists. There was this guy carrying a sign that said something to the likes of: Give unborn women their rights.

Hey Luke Wilson! I missed you. Where have you been? Did you lose Wes Anderson's phone number?

The Transformers movies fascinate me because it seems no one really likes them but they make so much money. BoxOfficeMojo is predicting this film is gonna be the biggest film of the year. In that we had so much better movies come out but people are gonna spend all their money on a huge 3-hour bloated CGI nightmare, it

I feel that the movie plateaued by the midway point in terms of building tension and dynamism with the plot, so by the 3rd act when she escapes and the doctor goes on his super random murder spree, it had lost all steam. But it's still a really atmospheric and bizarre movie, a near great psychedelic film that blunders