
Ok I guess that was only on HBOGO. They cut that line for this episode. I knew I hadn't missed that when I was watching, all bug eyed. I'm sure that was said by Ledoux when Rust was alone with him, in a vignette. Wonder why they cut that.

What did Ledoux mean when he said to Rust "You're a priest now"? Clearly Rust heard him but was kinda busy right then and could not inquire. Then Marty blew his brains out…

Yes that's where she was found. Now all those years later there is some creepy wreath of branches.

So the really big question is: would Marty confess he shot a suspect in cuffs because he got overwhelmed by emotion after finding those kids to save Rust, to prove to them Rust is not nor never was a serial killer of innocents? Will it come to that? There is no statute of limitations on murder, so he would put himself

Different years so they won't be in competition with each other.

Have you even been watching this show? Advise-go, start at the beginning and watch everything. You are not getting it if that is your conclusion.

God you people are mean as snakes. I've already had a major plotline ruined totally by accident months ago when I was scanning a British media website so forgive me if I think reviews should be held until it's been aired in the ENTIRE country. I read here nearly everyday so it's not much to ask. I think everyone not

Fiona doesn't really screw up often and we know she's been mother to those kids for years so this is really out of character, I mean literally I'm not buying she would let the kid ingest drugs. It doesn't track this would happen.

It really doesn't wash. First, they try to say he's become a vigilante, or has been the entire time since he was a cop or he is THE serial killer. It cannot be both. I also have trouble with the idea he wouldn't know the cops would be photographing the crowd around a crime scene. That REALLY doesn't make any sense

So, Rust is the serial killer? Well that just makes no sense at all, even if we aren't getting the whole story as yet. This is going somewhere else.

Here we are again. To be clear I did not read this, because I am in California and it hasn't been on yet, not for almost two hours. Are you trying to ruin my sorry life? You can't post the review before it's been seen by everyone who gives a damn. Geez…

Many people have.

No the other biker shot the guy they had been holding hostage. A lot going on and such a rare one-shot take that you really have to pay attention or you miss a small, important detail like that. Watch it again, it's rerunning like crazy this week leading up to next week's episode.

Oh man, some reviewer wrote about this show, asking, after this episode of all things, if it was turning into a regular cop show just because they finally had some real violence. I guess they watched some other show Sunday night than the rest of us did.

If everything he's said is true then that was a really shitty thing for her to say. It's not his fault her husband is a piece of shit. They just work together, he's not the guy's father for pity's sake.

That's just crazy. This show is great.

Unbelievably awesome episode. I've been waiting for the shit to hit the fan and tonight it began.

Excuse me, maybe I'm thick and am missing the joke, but Johnny Depp is from Kentucky.

Polanski did a very bad thing but he was one messed up dude. How many people survived the Holocaust as a child but lost their parents in same, become a world renowned filmmaker, finally found domestic bliss to only then have that family slaughtered in a most infamous murder spree? And I don't think it's inaccurate

Defend himself from what? He's not in legal jeopardy. Why can't he just STFU?