
Yes, the heroin addict over the sicko who probably did molest at least one child. Everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. PSH could have gotten help. There is no cure for sexual predators.

You are welcome, but seriously, you summed that letter up perfectly.

No the seven year old herself said it. Why is it the victim, whether it be child or adult, is automatically doubted if the person accused had never been accused before? The harder he tries to NOT sound like a child molester, the more he sounds EXACTLY like a child molester.

Bravo, well put.

I can't take anymore of this asshole. Those who have referred and continue to call him "brilliant" must have rocks for brains. That letter was the same self-serving bullshit predators always come up with. Fuck him. Could we make a deal with the old Grimm Reaper? He takes this guy and we get Phillip Seymour Hoffman

So my husband just came home and said that PSH did NOT die of a drug overdose. WTF is he talking about? It seems he heard it on talk radio. The first I've heard about it. Anybody?

I think that the problem is that we essentially had a two hour premier while they showed the first two hours in England as episodes 1 & 2 while to us it was premiered as "episode 1". They are on schedule.

One of my very favorite episodes of television, ever. It was a riot. Try watching it high. You will pee your pants I promise. I mean, not that I did that. But some people might.

I don't mean to come off as snotty, but I really already did know that. I have done lots of reading on Hitler, the SS, WWII, etc. It's all so fascinating. I just think that in 1924 an Englishman in Germany wasn't exactly an anomaly. They both had monarchs who were related not long before. Despite WWI, they had

Pirate Radio. Love love love that movie. Seen it at least 20 times. This is a really tough loss. We are lucky he left so much of his greatness behind.

Actually what I need is not have heard about this all over again. It was too upsetting when it happened over 20 years ago.

He cheated with a woman who was the girl's (adopted), mother, with whom he was in a long term relationship, had a biological (?), child with plus the two he adopted with her. You don't think that was most seriously fucked up? Really sorry but I think that he has shown he is capable of anything. I have seen this

There was no divorce as they never married. There was a custody issue, which she won hands down. And I'm quite sure that the Farrow's don't give two shits about him personally, only that he got away with child abuse and that he may be perpetrating the crime as we speak with the adopted children he has with Mia's

This whole mess being resurrected could have been avoided if some idiot with the Hollywood Foreign Press hadn't decided it was time to give Mr. Chester-the-Molester a lifetime achievement award, or whatever it was. I changed the channel because in all the years since this sordid story broke, all I think of when I

Please, give us all a break. He may have once been all those things but now he is nothing but a media whore who do doubt makes tons more money being a media whore than he ever did doing actual doctoring. He is trotted out every single time a person MIGHT have died of drug abuse. Seriously, FUCK HIM.

So what if he's Dr. Right-All-The-Time? Big fucking deal. He's still a ghoul, and he very nearly gloats over these kinds of deaths. It's sickening. He thinks no one should ever even have a beer or glass of wine just because they want to. Or get shit-face because they had a bad day. Or had a good day, whatever.

I was thinking of Heath Ledger myself. River has been gone for 20 years. And yes, BOTH were very shocking and tragic. I'm not sure if it's worse when such talented people die of a preventable cause and they are still in their 20's because this one feels pretty bad and he was 46, not even old. They each are/were

Can we get that for Gandolfini too? Really miss him very much. And what is natural about dropping dead at age 51? Nothing, it's unnatural and I say he qualifies.

Yes, FUCK HIM and his bullshit t.v. talking head post-death diagnosis of every single person who ever died of drugs. What, his death would be less tragic if he had been hit by a taxi or dropped dead from a heart attack? Such an asshole.

I know it's already been said about a million times since yesterday morning but I think this is as shocking a loss in the film industry that I can think of, except for James Gandolfini. Phillip's death has so many repercussions it's hard to wrap one's head around it. Also, the continuous headline of "had needle