
I thought the scene in the nursery was also very a very touching moment between these three people who all share such fresh and connected pain. Really made me tear up.

Well, they were just starting up at that time, weren't they? The socialist party begun by Hitler was not the power it became 10 years later. I hardly think it's Nazis that have waylaid him. I think he's abandoned Edith now that she needs him the most. Or something even more stupid, like another ship has sunk, he's

I know, boring as hell. But even the very rich had to find a doctor willing to do the procedure as it was quite illegal and at least the doctor would be in prison if anything went wrong or it were found out somehow. Not sure about the woman but then everyone would know and her reputation would have been ruined

This show is really awesome, I'm totally hooked. These two actors are just too great, playing off of each other perfectly. I'm also utterly perplexed they are skipping next week over a bullshit football game. Waiting two weeks for episode 4 is going to be torture.

Oftentimes bruising does not show until a day or two after an injury, so not that unusual.

Of course she is punishing herself. That is what victims do all the time. But, this is a t.v. show after all, and I don't think it's a really wild prediction to say they will have Bates find out, sooner or later. And Anna will have to deal with her trauma instead of ignoring what has happened to her. It should be

I'm so hooked on this. The build-up is the kind of suspense I love. And finding out Mr. I'm-a-steady-guy Harrelson is screwing around on a wife who is already way too young and beautiful for him is a nice twist. No doubt that turned out REALLY well, and getting the story behind Rust's child's death was very

I wish you'd slap yourself for being so outrageously abusive to those put out with the review being posted early and also flinging the slur of stupidity toward anyone who had the audacity to actually call out the site and the reviewer for this mistake. I'm sure no one who preferred to watch it tonight actually did

Well snotty people, just so you know I DID NOT actually read it. I was very perplexed and highly annoyed that despite the fact that AV tries so very hard to avoid spoilers they would publish a review an entire day before the episode aired. I had already known about the Anna rape because I quite accidentally saw it in

I didn't actually read it, you rude, obnoxious person. I did voice my displeasure at the very real possibility of having this episode spoiled for me and everyone else who looks forward to the show each week, there is so little on t.v. these days to actually look forward to. It's called having an opinion. You know,

Hey I have an idea-take this DOWN, at least until the episode airs Sunday night. Or does that make too much sense?

We have all been in a coma and skipped Saturday. Oh wait, that's not it. Our intrepid reviewer has screwed up it seems.

Wow are you on Australia time or something? THANKS a bunch for the attempt to spoil this for those of us who would prefer to actually watch it rather than reading about it the day before. Geez…

This show is not as bad as I had been led to believe but even if it were the reviewer could at least get the plot details correct, like James Woods strangled his pain in the ass girlfriend with the dog's leash for calling her elderly parents and for telling them where they going, not for being a pain.

He totally looks like Kurt.

I have a real problem with this. How dumb was it to have that character lift Jesse's pot the way he had lifted that cig? It was too easy for Jesse to put it together after his pot went missing. Why did Saul care if Jesse had a little weed? At least it kept him calm. Way better than seeing him get all tweaked out on

She had a baby, jeez. 

She had a baby, jeez. 

That wasn't from getting hit, that was blowback from him killing someone.  Or several someone's.  His face was not, well, MORE damaged than usual in the brief half second he was shown in the previews.

That wasn't from getting hit, that was blowback from him killing someone.  Or several someone's.  His face was not, well, MORE damaged than usual in the brief half second he was shown in the previews.