
This Aslig or whatever the girl's name is, is soooo boring. Time for Lagertha to come back. That woman has some guts. Ragnar is still enthralled with this six foot beauty who is giving him one boy child after another, but if she starts this jealously crap she will push him to do exactly what she's worried about.

Yuck, why would you want to do that?

No. This is a great show and they would NEVER write it like that, it would be patently stupid. Maggie has no involvement, it isn't Rust and it sure as shit isn't Marty. All of your suppositions are flat out wrong.

However it ends, I think we should all go smoke a bowl about 15 minutes before it airs, just to make whatever the ending is all the more freaky to us.


Oh wow, nice catch miss!

No you're not. I've been highly anticipating this "at last" meeting between these two since at least episode two. I figured they would go that way eventually and it didn't disappoint, IMO. I don't think anything that doesn't make sense in the context of the way this story has been told up to this point was out of

What is lost on Ragnar clearly isn't on Lagertha, and that is this Aslaug, or whatever her stupid name is, could be full of shit. There was nothing but the word of the woman who the father of her child was. In this case, Lagertha is right to be suspicious because this woman claims to be the child of this famous

Those two are the biggest dopes I've seen t.v. cops be in a long time. At least you can't say that Rust and Marty, with all their faults and all-out lawbreakers as well, aren't great cops who listen to everything because you just never know what might turn out to be important. Anyway, actors can't help how their

Perhaps this IS the weakest episode of the series, but it was still very compelling television and head and shoulders above anything else since "Breaking Bad" ended. Like everyone else, just dying to see how it ends (prediction: I think at least one of them dies, or even both), but really unhappy there is just the

Yes, wonderful idea. This is what Loretta Young did when she became pregnant by Clark Gable during their affair. He was married at the time so he was not free to marry Loretta, and it was really hard to get a divorce back then, so even if he had filed the baby would have been like a year old by the time he was

Also it was set in 2002. Not all mobile phones had cameras then so how he managed to pick up the one phone that would get him into trouble is a little bit of a stretch. I'm pretty sure my first cell phone did not have a camera because then they were rather expensive. Anyway, he isn't the killer, except the one we

I really like this show and I don't even care that much that it isn't completely historically accurate because we don't know enough about this culture to say that anything they portray is not accurate. Maybe the women did on occasion fight alongside the men. Spartan women were known for their fighting skills so why

Of course he does. He has respect for innocent victims of scumbags who abuse children and others for their own sadistic pleasures. That is why he is doing what he's been doing for so long, whatever it is. He does not suffer fools is all, something I can relate to.

I agree. For a cop he is really terrible at hiding the evidence of his cheating. After all they've been through it never occurred to him she would find it suspicious he comes home, throws the clothes he's wearing into the wash and jumps in the shower before she can get a chance to smell him? Then he leave his cell

No, that sounded like something a little girl would tell her parents so she won't have to tell them what was really going on. Children that age should not know about those things unless they've been exposed to it through some type of abuse. A cop father and a nurse mother should have known something serious was

I don't like either of them for Mary. I don't see the chemistry between Michelle Dockery and whatever these two actors' names are. They are both boring me to tears.

Well the child Audrey arranged her Barbie and Ken dolls in sexually explicit tableaux and also drew very explicit sex pictures that her parents asked her about but didn't really
push so they never found out what was going on with her back then. It seems to me they should have. I know as a parent had my daughter done

He plays smarmy really well. Should be fun. Or it won't.

Well, in this thing with Pizzolato the same scene has that line, "you're a priest too". Strange and mysterious, just like this show.