
they just said they were bored with the announcements. they didn't talk about whether arrested development needs a new season

you underestimate the danger of trump. i guess that is why you don't like the comparison?

"Great stories are the ones that observe people truthfully”

The French just plain don't look kindly.

It wasn't that funny, but it's also weird to get so offended.

she was better than bob in some episodes, and had a lot of very difficult situations! i don't understand at all. but the emptiness of 'best X' makes it hard to contest any decisions…

rhea seehorn got robbed

"delivering night after night of sharp political thought and satire." hehe, if you say so

she's not a sociopath. but she has no problem lying a lot, to a great number of people. that's who she is that's probably not going to change. i'm voting for her, but i think i know better what i am voting for than you do

so it's a plot hole because the master of whisperers didn't tell us his mission?

I am terrified that you consider Game of Thrones literature. In the second book George RR Martin used the word brusquely twice on one page. Twice!

not a plot hole. he could have got a raven

There's power in negativity too. That's why I thought the thesis of this review was stupid.

really egregious

Does the reviewer take it as axiomatic that every story must have characters with 'depth'? The complaints about Krieger only make sense if he does. Of course Krieger is a ridiculous monster, but that hardly rises, by itself, to the level of criticism. He's more comfortable with machines, and for two seasons replaced

I appreciate very much these reviews and the opportunity they give to think in depth about the series again, but do you think maybe we could get a bit more analysis of the cinematography? Plot and character analysis is great, but BSG is a show, not a novel.

The review doesn't really get the movie. It doesn't really set out to satirize mass media. It's much more about fame (and Ricky Gervais being deeply unlikeable, as Birdcircles pointed out). I didn't love it, but I did laugh. B

hear hear. someone help

Deleuze and Guattari have a saying: 'you always get the unconscious you deserve'. I think this is a good way to understand Chuck. His condition is not any less real for being psychosomatic, but he's made the choice again and again to invest his identity in his pathological relationship with Jimmy (I=Lawyer.

sure, i guess you could say it's good voice work but stands out just because it is the weakest in this cast, and that would be both things. imo though her work on this show is weak/unfunny in a general way