
oh wow. Physically, yes he would have been a good match, Cuba is doing an awesome job as far as acting.

Sitcom dads are over the top. Supposed to be. Anthony Anderson kills it. This ep was awesome.

I'm in!

Wow. I think he's changed tons. He's probably had the most growth of any of the characters.

LOL hey it was a high stress situation. Did they have to make the filling pool like blood?? LOL

I was watching Last Man on Neptune. What show are YOU talking about??

"Why would that upset me? I think it's BEAUTIFUL."

Also is A PLUS not an option?? :-)

OMG. I haven't read the review yet, but I just watched the ep on Hulu. Well effin done LMOE. Well effin done. This was a dark episode that had the right amounts of levity and LOL's. The writing on this show is so freakin' terrific. I can think of some other fantastically written shows that couldn't have pulled this

whoa…warning msg from Gwen? what did i miss??

so sad

Right! Also who's to say that during the collapse of mankind someone else looted wherever the heck zz top's car was stored and drove it to CA before they died . Also—-it's tv. Don't think about it TOO much. Or if you do, use your imagination to come up with possible answers. These are totally reasonable scenarios we

Remember, they were all 'a - wanderin' before they came together. A chair could fit inside of whatever trailer Gail and Eric were riding around in.

More observations:

Hard to choose a best outfit in this ep! The blue/green/black dress she had on under her labcoat, the pink outfit definitely, but then the outfit she had on in the streets with the cute hat and leather jacket. SLAYED.

"Jack! No gangsta leaning in this house!" LMBO

HEY He loves Carol for the same reasons we do! Sheeee's awesome! Plus yeah that's part of the comedy.

I loved seeing Kermit in his swamp. I cringe to think of a re-tooling of this show. Just let it be and grow. I've enjoyed it thoroughly so far!

Ugh. I'm so tired of the phrase "XYZ show doesn't yet know what it wants to be." That's such a critic's critique. How about enjoyable? Can the show just be enjoyable without trying to fit into some distinct category? Can we give them a season to find that category?? I'd like to see a review written from the mindset

Wow..this episode got a B-. Is there no pleasing you critics? I haven't even read the review yet, but..just..wow.