
"Amber Rose, who is fine in the role but only really stands out in the show’s end tag"—can someone remind me what the end tag was for this ep? I watched it on demand and sometimes I accidentally exit before the end tag….Not sure if I did this time….

"I mean, if you can't wash a pig in it what good is it??"

Luke is unlikable?? I don't agree with this sentiment…

Additional observations:

ha! That would have been a great joke.

I like how the blood made Carol squeamish but she could easily down a milky bowl of sauteed crickets.

So the food supply issue….

We're only 4 eps in…

They're all probably depressed. Ever think of that?? LOL Seriously. They're all probably depressed.

I was wondering the same thing then I just figured "hey rich guys own weird stuff" LOL

great point! none of them were VISIBLY pregnant so they could still bring it up as a plot point. However, seems like the type of news you would broadcast immediately in their situation. Ooorrr maybe the couple is "waiting until after the 1st trimester" so as not to get everyone's hopes up…..


Soooooo Carol had sex with Phil 2.0 one last time before sneaking off to be with Tandy? ha!

I read the Mindy flirting with Colette thing as having to do more with Mindy's "of COURSE everyone is obsessed with me" ego than anything else. That, plus drama queen Mindy is now stuck at home all day and has to dream up drama. I think it fits in with her character.

You should subscribe to Hulu. lol Mindy is the sole reason I did. Get the $7 pkg. It's worth it. LOL

I didn't feel this episode was rushed or lopsided or anything like that. Wasn't the Will Ferrell cameo at the end enough of a boon to forgive any shortcomings anyway?? How can you find a shortcoming in this ep?! I think the season is off to a great start. Really one of the best shows on television.

They really love each other now. Aww it's so cute! :-)

I thought the tag was funny and I'm not familiar with either of those people. I picture a conversation in the writers' room that went something like "so are we really going to end this with Garrett marrying his cousin??" and someone replied along the lines of Chang's summation of it: "Is it really going to make

"Don't let Garrett keep you from painting" was hilarious! I liked this episode. So much "jimming"!

Yeah, Chang wasn't actually there for that crazy movie ham girl episode. He showed up at the end.