
I think you nailed that one, Ronald Weisenheimer.

I'm with you, awkwarddance. Not just his reviews, all reviews in general. I think that's the downside of being a critic They can't help but to be critical. Jokes that slay us they "saw coming a mile away". Plot lines are always trite and overused before they even get started. Opportunities to make some grand

Keith David was THE highlight of this episode! "At least most conventional weapons do not require electricity."

I definitely agree with the 'stop comparing it to its old self' sentiment. I said the exact same thing yesterday! Troy is gone. Shirley is gone. The dynamic has changed, yes. However, it's still a darn good show on its own merit.

Also, the tag on this show made me laugh audibly!!! It was the giant kite reveal that did it. hahahaha!

Oh, we could fill ten threads with imagined show endings. I love Community, but if they pull the plug after 6 seasons and give us that movie I wouldn't be upset. I love the show too much to watch it spiral downward (and I say this as someone who is overall pleased with this current season). It's like how New Girl

I think this is an episode I may actually like. Unfortunately, the Yahoo streaming was craptastical! Really annoying when you're trying to view an episode that flashed backwards and forwards so many times.*

"Giving us that mid-episode REAL flashback to the Dean asking Abed for help in saving the hand to supplement all his off-kilter antics was a stroke of genius."

"I think my brother and his husband might be gay!"

Well done, thread. Well done.

yesss i dug the 'Bino love!

"You can't expel Britta with only 4 weekisodes left in the seasonmester! …see it's happening again." - HA!


I appreciate.your thoughtful response (and your The Office reference!) I maintain that Phil II is not a bad dude but your argument deserves an upvote and a golf clap. Thanks for geekin' out with me. I guess we have to finish the debate next season!

haha now your last paragraph delivers an intriguing pitch!

haha Another way to look at it—and I think someone hinted to it somewhere with a Walking Dead comparison—Phil II isn't a d*ck. he's a Frank Grimes character. Tandy is only sympathetic because he's the protagonist of this show. Let him wreck your potential electricity source, untie your livestock and leave you in the

haha. right! see all of my comments echoing the same!

mmm But here's the million dollar question—who would you rather have take the helm of your small survival camp? Jalapeno growin' horndog Tandy or military trained survival expert Phil? Can't assume that all survivors of this plague will be happy little bands of quirky misfits. Phil II is the type of leader you'd


"I assumed that the rest of them really did forgive him, though Todd was still unsure. It's interesting that exactly the opposite might have been true, with Todd trying to warn Tandy, as everyone else, except for Carol, tried to lull him into a false sense of security."