

"Haven't been enjoying johan"??? Then I don't think you're fit to review these shows. Hrmph!

isn't there, like, only 10 eps? please oh please tell me I'm wrong.

She's just wandering around pregnant. smh

Wow. The way she dumped her mom hurt! I was like, whoa how are they gonna come back from making our beloved Sam such a d**k right in the first act! The whole episode was so raw and real and deep and I kinda love that they showed the protagonist as so so very flawed and messy in this episode. Yeah, she's been flawed

Spot effin on. Ok so i'm gonna go read THEIR atlanta reviews LOL

Haha Alfred's lack of facial shape up bothered me. Earn's to a lesser extent but Alfred is supposed to be "stuntin". Get a $20 shape up. LOL!

I agree. I have a feeling Alston's inability to just enjoy a show on a visceral level is going to ruin season 2 for me. It's like he's not comfortable enjoying a show unless he can categorize the heck out of the storytelling elements, or stay one step ahead of the writers. It's ok if this show is too smart for you..

OK I'm finally logging in to comment. I was gonna hang back and just read the comments on all my favorite shows this year but the CONSTANT TYPOS AND GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN THESE REVIEWS ARE EMBARRASSING! Every. Single. Review. Doesn't matter who the author is. Also, they're dropping coverage of some really great shows.

The Mindy Project's baby story line has slaaaaayed!

OK so wasn't there an episode from a season or two back where Jess prophesies that Winston "gets really into birds for some reason"? *****stops to google random threads of thought*****ok! it was in Panty Gate when Coach decided to move to New York to be with May. Jess asked Nick "who do you see yourself next to when

"Why just the other day I tried a Mexican burrito sandwich. I hated it."

I wanted there to be a little more sweetness/joy to their reunion with glimpses of unresolved resentment / jealousy / insecurity popping up throughout the episode. Might have been a better way to intro Mike into the fold.

"Ok, then. A fruity beaujolais"

No second season?? Confirmed?? Where??

haha he has two specific things.

I thought Jay's storyline was hilarious! I want to FEEL a menu in my hands! I could listen to Jay-isms all day.

Ok, this reads as if Phil's attraction to black women is without precedent. As someone mentioned below, he thought POWER was the common denominator of the women he finds attractive: Michelle Obama, Oprah, Condaleeza Rice, Serena Williams…

Hey can someone explain to me how they were able to watch tv? Was it an old dvd? was there a precedent for this? I'm sure I missed something. thanks!

LOL!!! Funniest observation about bangs ever!