Mr. White

Glad to see a fellow cycling geek in the group. Your name could apply to me as well. Raced mtn. bikes in the 90s. Love it, but I was terrible. Great on descents but my aerobic capacity and body type wasn't conducive to the sport.

Sounds like this guy doesn't understand what PEDs do. They don't make you into a superman. If you're a mediocre athlete you'll see a slight performance boost, but it's not going to turn you into a pro level athlete. Especially cyclists. Physiologically, they're mutants. Without doping they still have freakish levels

He'd stall it every time and then claim it's a fake bike.

I thought it was Hugo Weaving. Similar eyes.

There's a Peter Jackson story about a clueless producer coming up with an asinine idea while filming LOTR. He said in those instances you just nod your head and say something like, "Yeah, we'll think about it…"

Another good case in point is Kubrick's take on The Shining compared to the book.

Can't wait to get mean drunk one night and troll until I'm barred.

I'll echo other posts that recipe books have been replaced with the interwebs. With that said, Julia Child's Kitchen Wisdom is the only book I continue to still use. It's got all your basics on sauces, dressings, veggies, beef, pork, poultry, fish, etc.


Hell, I took a solemn vow many years ago to never help another friend move… I would gladly break that vow to help 45 out.

Can't wait for him to be buried at that course so I can piss on his grave at some point… I'll even eat some asparagus beforehand.

Still disheartening that he has so many supporters. Yesterday a Trump supporter told me that he's already doubled the GDP. A feat that is simply impossible to achieve. It was obvious he had no idea what the GDP was. All they seem to do now is continue to cling to "Crooked" Hillary and what a DISASTER Obama's

Cops: The District of Columbia edition.

Trump has neither the intellect or patience to plan so far ahead.

Remember when Trump said he'd surround himself with the best people? I'm also still waiting to hear of his "secret" plan to defeat ISIS.

God I hope there's video or at least a photo that pops up soon.

Not surprising that the producers wanted 'splosions.

Don't know if I'd rank GoldenEye that high, but it's definitely the best of the Bronsan run.

I've always loved how relatively understated FRWL is. There's still goofy Bond elements like the evil lesbian Russian and the Bulgar/Gypsy battle, but it's way more down to earth than future installments. Wonder why they decided to go bigger and goofier? Did FRWL disappoint at the box office?

You had me at Charlize Theron strutting.