Mr. White

"Squirm?" More like cringe. Yeah, really hilarious to see the POTUS behave like a 10 year old. Your miserable head would've exploded if Obama pulled off half the nonsense Cheeto in Chief has doneā€¦ but it's okay because he's "your" guy.

That mindset perfectly sums up the character of what's considered a "conservative" nowadays. "Look, Trump did something indefensible. What a terrible human being. Tee-hee those Libtards are so angry about it!"


Don't forget to salt the earth.

To the tune of Walking on Sunshine.

Hey if Wil Ferrel could play Janet Reno back in the day, I'm sure there's new male cast members up to the task.

Excellent observation. Yeah, there's an odd self-centered vibe coming off these people.

It's 2017 and people can still delude themselves to the point they believe such bullshit. The worst part is how smug and arrogant they are about their whack-a-doo beliefs. I've tried sparring with the new crop of flat earth asshats and I've since given up. You can't debate crazy, but you can ridicule.

And by "deal" he means screwing someone over royally.

Hopefully he'll die soon from alcohol poisoning or a coke overdose.

Shetland ponies will tell you they're all the same. Clydesdales have a differing opinion.

She needs the extra room due to the clydesdale-sized penis she keeps tucked up between her legs.

He needs to be pro-active and environmentally friendly.

There's definitely a direct line between The Tick and The Venture Brothers in that respect.

Very much worth a read.

[Puts head in oven. Realizes it's electric. Sobs uncontrollably in the fetal position on the cold kitchen floor.]

Please say you're joking. Please.

The duplicate is actually an evil twin. The telltale sign is a little photon goatee.

It's a really nice planet. Lots of big, grassy fields she can run around in. She'll love it there!

Pew! Pew!