Mr. White

In all fairness, it can sometimes be a little of both.

Dennis Leary was on Craig Ferguson's radio show last night. He has volunteered to play Kellyanne Conway.

Exactly and precisely! I went on a bit of a binge last winter, trying to explore every aspect of Gorillaz and it sounds like we've both visited the same sites.

So with you on your observations and frustrations. Especially when it comes to the Gorillaz mythos. We get dribs and drabs, but I'd love to see a solid narrative for each character.

I could just handle seeing adult Noodle onstage for 90 minutes.

Under the Skin is a terrific movie, but I don't believe it's THE best.

That "study" wasn't very scientific and it appears the researchers don't understand why EPO is beneficial to professional cyclists. Having 2 test groups of amateurs riding up a mountain doesn't really prove much. EPO aids in oxygen recovery after putting in a long, hard, sustained effort. Your typical Tour De France

I ended up walking away from this about halfway through. The constant tonal shifts took me out of the movie multiple times. One scene would be total camp and the next would ooze sentimentality. I was intrigued by the concept and the opening scenes were interesting, but overall it just didn't pull me in.

Glad to see Schoop's get some love.

Please, please, please can I be in charge of the bag of oranges?

It's one thing to have a differing opinion when looking at something objectively. If you can't recognize that this administration is even slightly dysfunctional (at best), then you're willfully ignorant and/or delusional. To claim that the past 8 years under Obama is inferior to the dumpster fire that's been the past

"Us guys." Unless you're making over $250k it'll be a long four years for you as well, snowflake.

Spacehog's In the Meantime.

Well if Trump Tweeted it, is just HAS to be true. Don't waste your time trying to reason or debate with such a delusional soul.

I'm so sick of the daily waking nightmare of right-wing asshats. Completely devoid of any sense of human decency or decorum. Fuck them and fuck the mouth-breaking, willfully ignorant troglodytes who believe all their bullshit. So very fed up today.

The right's obsession with both Clinton and Obama is evergreen and never ending.

Excellent to hear!

So stoked for this.

Milwaukee's only 90 minutes away. That's what we're doing.

I have to keep 100 feet away from her due to a court order. Smart, funny, articulate, incredible musician and sexy as all get out.