Mr. White

So the echo chamber will become an even bigger and dumber echo chamber. Brilliant!

The aptly named Spherical Earth Society.

I belong to an anti-Flat Earth group on Facebook and the Flat Earth posts they put up there are infuriatingly mind boggling.

Please stop giving these people attention.

If the human tests are anything like the dog tests, I'd be dubious of results. I've seen mutts that are clearly a mix of say a chihuahua and yorkie have tests come back saying they're something like great dane and husky.

Indeed, I'm sure there's a good percentage of these asshats who belong to one of those he-man woman hater groups.

Woooooooooow. This is almost as cool as my imagined Starsky & Hutch team up with Charlie's Angels I played in my mind as a kiddie…and no, we're not talking naughty. With that said, that sounds like an epic porn parody.

It's strange how the redneck demographic enjoys watching cartoon versions of themselves.

Nazis are very concerned about the Zika virus.

I know that these are vile people standing up for vile beliefs, but goddamn it those cheap tiki torches crack me up to no end. If you're trying to look badass, a tiki torch is definitely not the way to go.

The local Farm and Fleet is going to be understaffed for a while.

Not only did he fail to call out nazis, but he then hamfistedly segued into how great the unemployment numbers are, despite the fact he had nothing to do with it.

"He's Poochie in human form" is perfection.

As are her boobies.

They're incapable of debating, so of course they want their little echo chamber sealed up tight.

When to the Bad Hombres and Covfefe take the stage?

As much as I would love to see that, there will be some behind-the-scenes deal made. Resign or you could face jail time, or something like that.

And Trump just waves him off.

He'll never get impeached. It won't come to that. Just like Nixon he'll resign in disgrace. I'm good with that.

They've been spoon fed hateful far-right nonsense through AM hate radio, then Limbaugh, then Fox, and now Breitbart for most if not all of their lives. There could be a recording of Trump and Putin having a conversation about overthrowing America and killing puppies and they wouldn't care. The pee pee video could be