
I could write long comment about my views and/or link to all the think pieces written on the issue. But I don't really see the point.

I'm glad you think hard work is what got Trump his billions. Not a common opinion around here. But kudos to you.

The first has nothing to do with morality. The second does. I thought that was pretty straight forward.

Do you actually KNOW the difference between trash and NOT trash? Something tells me that you don't.

There's a difference between someone who acknowledge their sins, and someone who proclaims that they are born to LIVE in sin.

To consume the same species or show cannibalism is a common ecological interaction in the animal kingdom and has been recorded for more than 1,500 species.[1

Psychology. A junk-science and the last refuge of those who think humans are like math.

Yes. It does. I'd be abnormal not to want to make the kind of money they make in Hollywood for doing basically nothing. Now ask me if I want to win the lottery and have an eternal life. The answers may surprise you.

This is the problem with those who advocate for sodomism: To advocate for it's natural place they go to animals. But to make it seem something civilized people do, they romanticize it.

I am a bit old school when it comes to the term.

I'll make it simpler: Homosexuality is as useful to life as cannibalism. Or homosexuality would be far more common than cannibalism. Simple.

I wouldn't associate a pastor that'd associate with you I am afraid. I have morals.

As you would say: I was born that way. Being a sodomite on the other hand; it's like saying "I was born to kill myself". It makes no sense.

When something is as common as cannibalism, it's not good. You're welcome.


Way to be an ally. You're supposed to think eating dick is a good thing, not an insult. I'm happy to know we agree.

Don't be mad at me. Be mad at facts.

You seem to have a thing for sh*t. Perhaps that's your other head writing.

I have no problem with him. In fact, I don't care (much) about the private failings of artists/musicians/filmmakers. I care about the product. I was just trying to make a point of Larson's own blind-spots, and her own private views and associations can be made to look vile and unbecoming.

Of course I don't approve of sodomy. It would be as strange as approving of cannibalism, a behavior as common in nature as homosexuality by the way. That's called having morals and believing humans should aim for a bit more noble acts than animals.